Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4436 He is not jealous

Luo Bi breathed a sigh of relief, and He Qian raised his eyebrows.

Wild boars are easy to replace, but how to get them back is a problem.

He Qian came in a military hover vehicle, and there was nowhere to put the eleven wild boars.

He Gan dialed the communication and asked the sergeant to transport the wild boars back. The people in the hunting team kept saying, "You guys are taking a big advantage. A few baskets of mutant shrimps and crabs were exchanged for our eleven wild boars."

She said she didn't care. Luo Bi remembered it and wouldn't switch with this company next time.

Luo Bi subconsciously dislikes her for being too narrow-minded.

It was almost evening at this time. On the way He Qian and Luo Bi went back, Luo Bi looked down from the military suspension vehicle and saw that the number of fishing teams on the long Xun River had obviously decreased.

Some hunting teams were stationed by the river, but they did not fish. The Thunder Flame warriors went hunting in the mountains and forests.

The riverside is very quiet. It can be seen that the resource value of the Xunhe River is not great anymore.

Or, there are enough aquatic products, so there is no need to waste time and energy.

"They're all gone." Luo Bi chatted with He Qian.

He Qian glanced down: "Well, some hunting teams and mercenary groups are considering preparing winter supplies. Fishing on the Xun River consumes a lot of elixirs, and the elixirs refined by the talented disciples are not enough."

Therefore, we can only give up on aquatic products.

Those who remain are also considering winter reserves, but there is no rush yet.

Everyone has their own considerations, and the next arrangements are naturally different.

"I exchanged eleven wild boars." Luo Bi became happy.

He Qian: “·······”

He is not jealous, he is not jealous.

"How to raise it?!" Luo Bi was worried about something else.

No matter what you say, she doesn't raise pigs anyway.

"It can be kept in a large and spacious warehouse." He Qian kindly offered some advice.

"No." Luo Bi disliked the wild boar.

He Qian: “·······”

He didn't mind, the problem was that he didn't have a wild boar.

Wei Yu and others went hunting, but He Qian did not follow. He Qian said: "I wonder how many wild boars Jiang Yixin and Wei Yu hunted. There are many people who are eyeing this group of wild boars."

Luo Bi's eyes lit up and she became interested: "I wonder if they have gone back."

Luo Bi couldn't wait to know how many wild boars the Lei Yan warriors had caught. She had eleven. It had to be compared. Wei Yu and Jiang Yixin were both physically strong and should have caught a lot of wild boars.

Luo Bi didn't see Wei Yun or the others after she went back. When she asked, she found out that they hadn't come back.

After Luo Bi asked, Wei Jun and Jiang Yixin came back. The harvest was good. Wei Jun and Jiang Yixin caught the most wild boars. They caught three wild boars each, and several people added together, less than ten wild boars. .

Luo Bi was happy: "I have eleven."

Wei Wei: “·······”

Jiang Yixin: "·······"

Therefore, they worked hard in the forest to keep an eye on the wild boar herds. After working for several days, they were still not as good as Luo Bi, who stayed at the garrison. Luo Bi had no fighting power, so she just played with them, and the wild boars they harvested were worse than Lei's. There are many flame warriors.

"No such thing." Jiang Yixin howled.

Wei Yu was confused: "Are there many mutant shrimps and crabs with special powers?"

After only three or five shrimps and crabs lived by the river for a day, Wei Yu and the others gave up and gave up their position on the edge of the battlefield to Luo Bi. Fu Jie and the others were too embarrassed to distinguish the mutant shrimps and crabs.

"Not much more," Robbie said.

"Then you exchanged eleven wild boars." Jiang Yixin still couldn't believe it.

Isn't that much? ? ? ? ? ?

Luo Bi was amused by Jiang Yixin's hot eyes. (End of chapter)

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