Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4437 No loss

The Thunder Flame warrior counted Luo Bi's eleven wild boars with mixed emotions.

It doesn't matter if you don't compare, but when you compare, there is a gap in your mind.

"Exchanged three baskets of mutant shrimps and crabs for eleven wild boars?" Wei Yu asked again.

He Qian nodded, and Luo Bi asked what she was most concerned about: "Did I suffer a loss?"

Wei Yu said: "I didn't suffer any loss."

Luo Bi felt relieved, as long as she didn't suffer any loss.

Luo Bi knew how much she was capable of scheming people, and she had no idea how much she liked to ask people around her to give her advice. Although it had been changed and could not be changed, at least she could know what other people's character was like.

If you are dishonest, just ignore him from now on.

After chatting for a while, the Lei Yan warrior gathered up the wild boar he had caught.

He Gan asked Luo Bi: "Are you going to send the wild boar back to Chizhu Mountain?"

Fengling kept all the supplies that Luo Bihua pulled.

"If we don't send it back to Chizhu Mountain." Luo Bi couldn't imagine raising pigs on the mountain. She said, "Chizhu Mountain is full of green bamboo trees. What's the point of raising a group of wild boars?!"

He Qian's mouth twitched, he still disliked the wild boar!

Wild boars live in mountains and forests, but suddenly they are disliked if they are kept in the mountains.

Jiang Yixin heard this and immediately said positively: "Keep your wild boars together with us, and the sergeant can feed them to you. You will also save money by building a pig pen. Raising them together will save trouble."

Luo Bi nodded: "Yes."

Jiang Yixin and the sergeant gathered up eleven wild boars.

"You exchanged eleven wild boars in one day, but we hunted less than ten wild boars in one day." Jiang Yixin muttered, feeling worried.

The wild boars were all gathered together. Everyone looked at the wild boars and chatted, discussing how to continue hunting wild boars.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Luo Bi returned to Chizhu Mountain. No one mentioned it, and the gifted masters didn't know that there were eleven of Luo Bi's wild boars. Otherwise, they wouldn't know what it would feel like.

This autumn is very hot and the nights are not cool.

After dinner, Fengling took Luo Bi to enjoy the cool air on the balcony, and Luo Bi nestled obediently in Fengling's arms.

Fengling lowered her eyes: "I'm going to the mountains to collect winter supplies. Do you want to go?"

Fengling knew how much Luo Bi loved the excitement.

Luo Bi was indeed interested, but still shook her head: "I want to catch shrimps and crabs, so I won't go."

She couldn't say it, but Luo Bi didn't want Fengling to leave her. The mountains and forests were rich in materials for Luo Bi, including flowers, plants, and various small animals. It was more fun than in Xunhe.

The Xun River is full of water, and the silt on the riverside is sinking. If the fish and shrimp weren't delicious, it wouldn't be as good as the scenery of the mountains and forests.

Luo Bi was confused and turned to look at the handsome man. There was a hint of coquettishness in her tone unconsciously: "Fengling, can't you go into the forest in a few days? I won't catch any more shrimps and crabs for a few more days. There aren't many shrimps and crabs." ”

Fengling looked at Luo Bi, neither happy nor angry: "Okay."

Luo Bi's wish came true and she happily nestled in Fengling's arms.

There is still a difference between autumn and summer. The sweltering heat dissipates quickly and the air becomes a little cooler.

Luo Bi was half asleep, Fengling hugged Luo Bi and got up and went back to the bedroom.

The next day, Wei Wei and Jiang Yixin went to the mountains to hunt wild boars.

If you catch up with this group, you will naturally be able to catch one after another.

Luo Bi went to the Xun River early. She squatted by the river with a bucket and kept silent. She liked to be impatient when talking and was more patient than anyone else when pulling things. At the end of the day, Luo Bi caught three more baskets of super mutant shrimps and crabs. .

She also wanted to exchange for the wild boar and called He Qian to set off.

She made an agreement with several companies, and she would switch to whichever one she was satisfied with. (End of chapter)

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