Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4438 Really awesome

Among these families, one is the Xue family.

He Qian drove the car, and Luo Bi remained silent along the way.

He Qian glanced at Luo Bi, who actually stopped talking.

I met a few familiar children on the road. The children were looking for shellfish on the sand together. They were carrying small buckets and small shovels in their hands and talking loudly, just like little adults.

Luo Bi looked at the child. The child's eyes widened and he jumped up and down: "Hey, Luo Bi, what are you doing?"

He Qian lowered the hover car, and several children gathered around it, chattering.

Luo Bi leaned against the car window and said: "I caught mutant shrimps and crabs with special abilities. They have attributes. I want to trade them with the hunting team and mercenary group for wild boar. Wild boar is fragrant and the cooking is better than the meat of exotic animals."

The children looked at each other, turned around and said in disbelief: "Do you have attributes?"

Robbie said, "Ah."

The child was excited. He raised his calf and climbed onto the military suspension vehicle: "Let me take a look."

Luo Bi washed her hands and didn't want to touch the shrimps and crabs. After listening to the child's words, she poked the three baskets of mutant shrimps and crabs at the back: "These baskets are all mutant shrimps and crabs with superpowers. Open them and see for yourself."

The mutant shrimps and crabs with special powers are of high value and rare. Others are too precious to worry about others touching them. But Luo Bi is better. Because of mysophobia, she is very comfortable letting her children open and look at the shrimps and crabs by themselves.

The children who climbed onto the car crawled back, and the children who were surrounding the hover car ran to the back, holding on to the military hover car to use their little feet.

"What kind of superpower is this?"

"Let me see, let me see..."

A child was holding a military hover vehicle, kicked off his legs, and quickly reached out to lift the lid of the basket.

"Oh..." The child who crawled over opened his mouth.

All their little heads immediately picked up the car and stretched their necks to take a look.

The children were shocked: "It's really awesome."

A child stretched out his little hand, poked a mutant shrimp with a special power in the river fish basket with his fleshy little finger, and said with bright eyes: "This is only a water-type superpower, and there is also an earth-type superpower."

The children were so surprised that they wanted to climb into the basket.

Luo Bi turned around, indicating that she was not free, and said: "Don't look at it, I have to change the wild boar."

"Can you exchange wild boar with my hunting team?" The child of the Hang family hesitated and said.

The child was holding a military hover vehicle. He was short and looked to be at most three years old.

Luo Bi's mouth twitched, "You are so young, but you can help the hunting team to buy wild boars."

The question is, do you have enough wild boars? Luo Bi has three baskets of mutant shrimps and crabs.

"One basket for four wild boars." Luo Bi poked the river fresh basket.

The child's eyes immediately turned to the river fresh basket: "How many are in one basket?"

Are all three-year-olds so sensible? Luo Bi cursed in her heart and replied: "I don't know, there are more than thirty of them anyway. You should ask your adults to change things."

The child poked at the communication and chatted a few words.

The child hung up the call, ran to the front, raised his little head and said to Luo Bi, "Let's go to our camp."

Luo Bi was confused: "Really?"

"Change, change." The child went to pick up the small bucket on the ground.

Luo Bi looked at He Qian, who said "tsk" and raised his chin towards the children: "Get in the car."

The children stopped digging for shellfish, and got into the car with a huff and a cry. They kicked off their sturdy calves and struggled to climb onto the military hover vehicle. The quiet children opened the back door and climbed in.

The military suspension vehicle is a luxury car version, open-top, and spacious. The suspension vehicle driven by the children of the aristocratic family is too low-grade and has lost its price. (End of chapter)

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