Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4445 A little distracted

The small alien beast was stunned for a moment, holding the crystal in its hands, and ran down the rock first.

Luo Bi was stunned for a moment. After the small alien beast left, she would not leave.

But Luo Bi was such a cautious person. She raised her feet and searched on the rocks. If there was no spiritual plant or the like, Luo Bi was ready to go down the mountain, lest the little thing summoned a group of strange beasts from the tribe. Luo Bi was dumbfounded. .

There are only a few tread marks on the rocks, which shows that not many people came up.

She probably didn't find any ingredients or anything like that. Luo Bi didn't find anything either and walked down the rock.

At this moment, there was only a thumping sound on the ground, as if a small animal was too round and running. Luo Bi reacted and went down to the foot of the rock, and then saw a bunch of small things running out of the grass.

There is a round head in front, four hooves scratching the ground, and howling.

Luo Bi took a look and saw that it was a little pig.

Behind them were two small exotic beasts, driving the little native pig to Luo Bi's side.

Luo Bi was so frightened that she didn't dare to step down the rock.

Small exotic beasts squeaked and gesticulated with their little claws.

Luo Bi: "······"

What is this for?

The small alien beast revealed the transformation crystal in its small paws, gestured, and drove away the little native pigs that were running away. The little native pigs were frightened to death, and howled almost as if they were killing pigs.

Robido was smart, and after a few seconds, she thought that the small alien beast might have been exchanged for her.

She gave the small alien beast a transformation crystal, and the small alien beast drove a litter of little native pigs, so she guessed, but Luo Bi didn't dare to catch it stupidly, otherwise she guessed wrong...

As for individuals, Luo Bi also asked. The problem is that this is a small exotic beast.

The one with the intelligence turned on is a little distracted, who knows if it is a treacherous beast like the little fox beast.

Luo Bi couldn't trust people, how could she trust strange beasts?

Just kidding.

The small alien beast squeaked. Seeing that Luo Bi was unmoved, he jumped into the grass with another small alien beast and walked away.

"Oh my god."

Luo Bi became energetic immediately, and she was considered to have left. If she didn't leave, all the little pigs would run away, and they couldn't be chased back. Once the small alien beasts left, she would rule the world.

Luo Bi had already counted five little native pigs out of the corner of her eye, two big and three small.

This was a nest, and it was not a big one in such a short period of time. The small animals did not come back so quickly. Luo Bi panicked and caught the big ones first. The big ones had more meat.

Luo Bi chased a few little native pigs under the rocks. She caught one and the others followed. Damn, what are you doing? Luo Bi was too busy to work at all, but fortunately the little native pig was chubby and ran close to the ground.

Being so small, he is naturally suppressed.

Luo Bi pulled her legs and turned away from a few little native pigs in this area. After working for a while, Luo Bi was tired and panting. It was easy to block the nest of little native pigs among a few rocks.

The little pigs were in a panic, one was going this way and the other was going that way.

In this case, it was impossible to catch them all at once, so they had to give up the others. Luo Bi stepped forward and held down the one in the middle that was best to catch.

I found the pig ears, picked them up, and the little pig howled.

The other little native pigs suddenly dispersed. Luo Bi looked at it and saw that the diamond head had a lot of gaps. He opened the storage bracelet and took out a bamboo basket. Luo Bi threw the little native pig he caught into it, and the pig groaned when it fell.

Next, Luo Bi dug around the rocks and caught three small native piglets from the gaps in the rocks, but the other big one was not found.

Damn it, I left my husband and son and ran away.

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