Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4446: Pull them all away

Luo Bi looked down upon him and said he couldn't keep this pig.

Of the five little pigs, we only caught four, and one escaped.

This is no good, Luo Bi has a spoiled temper and is as angry as a pig.

Luo Bi was wandering around at the foot of the rocks. It was such a big place, and she couldn't believe that a native pig would know that it was far away. Maybe it would find a gap in the rocks to nest.

Halfway through the walk, Luo Bi turned back and dragged the bamboo basket for a walk.

The little native pig in the bamboo basket was chirping. Luo Bi was dragging the bamboo basket. Her eyes were very good, and her ears were also good. In the past, Luo Bi used her eyes and ears when looking for a fork, and she couldn't escape even a fork. .

Climbing on dead trees and branches and leaves, squeaking, what a pig...

The pig was not found, but Luo Bi found a cluster of velvet mushrooms. This was not an ordinary type of mushroom. This type of mushroom had high nutritional energy and a longer storage time.

Therefore, you may not necessarily find pigs if you look for them, but you can also find mushrooms.

Luo Bi squatted down, carefully picked a bunch of velvet mushrooms, and carefully placed them in a small bamboo basket. Mushrooms usually grow next to each other. There were several clusters nearby, and Luo Bi also picked them.

Mushrooms are also good things. Luo Bi looked carefully, and then she found the little native pig who abandoned her husband and son.

The gap in the stone was relatively difficult to remove. Besides, Luo Bi didn't dare to reach out and pull it.

When he couldn't play anymore, he called for help. Luo Bi shouted loudly: "Is there anyone? Here to help."

Someone, can there be no one? The Thunder Flame Warrior is not far away.

When Luo Bi shouted, Wen Xiao ran over: "What can I help you with?"

"There is a little native pig in the gap between the rocks." Luo Bi stepped aside and said, "Get it out for me."

Wen Xiao: “·······”

Wen Xiao frowned: "Isn't there a native pig in the tree hole?"

"We changed places." Luo Bi said nonsense, "He came here."

Several women from the logistics team looked at it from a distance. After hearing this, their thoughts became more vivid, and they came closer to take a look.

Wen Xiao half believed it or not, and without asking any unnecessary questions, he moved a few rocks. The little native pig nested in the rocks was exposed. Wen Xiao was surprised, and several women in the logistics team were also surprised.

Wen Xiao caught the little native pig, gave it to Luo Bi and left.

The people in the logistics team called a few children to pull out the rocks one by one. The holes in the trees were all cleaned out. Naturally, the rocks also had to be pulled out, including small native pigs and winged rabbits.

When Luo Bi saw it, she quickly went elsewhere.

Fortunately, Luo Bi's luck improved, and she found a few green stone melons, which were valuable.

There are also chives, wild onions, and garlic, which is amazing.

Luo Bi rolled up her sleeves and started digging. She dug up everything, even the garlic sprouts. What does Yan Guo plucking hair and scraping the ground mean? Just like Luo Bi, Luo Bi still has to pick the leaves of the tree.

Steamed buns are used as cage cloth in winter.

I heard that the steamed buns made from the leaves of this plant have the aroma of the plant. Luo Bi has never eaten it. This time, she found a chance for Luo Bi. She took it away regardless of what it was.

After going back in the evening, Jiang Yixin ran over to help move supplies.

Jiang Yixin picked a bag and was about to pick it up. After taking a look, she was stunned and shouted: "Luo Bi, what are you digging for? The nutritious soil dug from the wild is not as good as it is."

Luo Bi was asked: "..."

What was she digging for? !

Fengling felt funny when she saw her expression.

Jiang Yixin was speechless: "You don't even know what it's for, so you dug half a bag of soil?!"

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