Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4508 How to Raise

Qin Yilang did not comment and carried the bamboo basket away.

Jiang Yixin fell behind and said to Luo Bi: "I will raise them according to your method. When you feed them water and food, tell me. I don't trust the rare bird breeder. Luo Jie had a hard time snatching the partridge chickens, but they were all killed."

Jiang Yixin couldn't forget this. He was a foodie and couldn't eat them even if they died.

Luo Bi loved to hear this. She stopped at the door and talked to Jiang Yixin at the door: "If you kill them, I will give you a few more. I still have 200 little partridge chickens."

Listen, how generous, Qin Yilang took a breath and wondered how the breeder got the breeder's certificate. Not to mention raising them, why is the hatching rate of the little partridge chickens so low?

Regardless of whether it was an accident or not, Luo Bi was very successful in hatching the little partridges. The military did not need to spend interstellar coins. Luo Bi used the lowest-grade incubator to hatch about 300 little partridges.

Compared to this, the breeders are all scum.

Qin Yilang thought about it, lowering his eyes and staring at the bamboo basket. Should he follow Luo Bi's method or discuss it with Luo Jie and others? With such a dilemma, Jiang Yixin waved to Luo Bi and asked Qin Yilang to leave.

"Let's go back quickly." Jiang Yixin said, "Don't freeze to death."

It was cold today, and the little partridges that had just hatched could not withstand the cold.

After going downstairs and getting on the military hover car, Qin Yilang and Jiang Yixin returned to the combat team dormitory apartment building. Li Feng moved out. The apartments of senior officers were all high-end apartments. Wen Xiao cleaned up the environment for the little partridges in his own apartment.

The energy plates collected before were all used up last year. Wen Xiao only hung one energy plate in the apartment. In accordance with Wen Yao, he asked Wen Xiao to move the little partridge chicken over and he would raise it together.

Wen Xiao was reluctant, but the temperature of the dormitory apartment of the Thunder Flame Warrior was obviously not good.

Qin Yilang came to find Wen Xiao, glanced at Wen Xiao's bamboo basket, and discussed: "The temperature at home is too low. I guess the little partridge chickens can't withstand freezing. Where do you put them? Ask your brother, how can we raise them?"

Wen Xiao was thinking, and at this time Luo Bi's communication came over: "I have a blazing bamboo tree at home, and I don't need several of them. Come over and move Wen Yao's blazing bamboo tree to use it."

Luo Bi didn't like the things sent out, and they were frozen to death. Her blazing bamboo tree was not used, and the temperature was very hot.

It's a habit to heat to death and freeze to death. It's better to distribute them evenly.

"You have a lot of little partridge chickens." Wen Xiao didn't say to move them.

"Your Fiery Bamboo tree is too big." Luo Bi said directly: "It's in the way."

Okay, Wen Xiao called Jiang Yixin and went to Luo Bi's house to move Wen Yao's Fiery Bamboo tree to the combat team dormitory apartment. The Fiery Bamboo trees that Wen Xiao was assigned were all large trees. If such a tree was kept on the large balcony, the temperature would rise quickly.

Qin Yilang and Jiang Yixin were not polite and moved their bamboo baskets to Wen Xiao's apartment.

"Let's keep them together." Jiang Yixin and his brother were good.

Wen Xiao agreed and found a place for each bamboo basket, staring at it and not enough.

In the end, it was Qin Yilang who called them to the garrison base restaurant for dinner. In the afternoon, they had to go to the ice and snow city wall to clean up the strange beasts. Jiang Yixin covered his own bamboo basket, but worried that it would be stuffy, so he tore a small gap.

Qin Yilang stood at the door, hesitated for a moment, and did not pull the animal skin on the bamboo basket.

When several people left the dormitory apartment, it was almost past lunch time. At this time, there were not so many people in the garrison base restaurant. Qin Yilang ordered the meat of strange beasts and several people ate.

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