Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4509: Instigating Roger

After Qin Yilang and his friends had dinner, Roger moved a few rare bird nests back.

In this way, the Thunder Flame Warriors were delayed for a while and did not go to the edge of the planet.

Everyone went to Roger's house together. When they passed by Luo Bi's house, Jiang Yixin called out. When Luo Bi heard that Roger had taken out a rare bird nest from the rare bird breeder, she hurried to see what was new.

What is a rare bird nest? It is a nest planted with various flowers and plants. The hay nest has been carefully processed, and the hay is like cotton wool. It also has a temperature regulation function. There are streams and rocks. Nima lives more comfortably than people.

The military had purchased five rare bird nests before. Because they bought a lot at one time, and they were still mid-level ones, they spent 1 billion interstellar coins. The hatching rate of the little partridge chicken was very low, so only one rare bird nest was used.

The others were all brand new, and Roger got them all.

There were not enough, and one family could not get a rare bird nest.

Luo Bi didn't say anything. She didn't ask for it unless someone asked her to give it to her. However, Luo Bi came closer to take a look and urged Luo Jie: "Put your little partridge in the nest, let me see what it looks like?!"

Luo Jie, Wen Xiao, and Qin Yilang studied the rare bird nest while fiddling with the flowers and rocks in the courtyard to prevent the stream from overflowing and soaking the rare bird nest that they bought with a large amount of interstellar coins.

Luo Jie said: "Don't worry, I'll adjust the temperature."

"Hurry up." Luo Bi urged. Those who didn't participate always felt that others were dragging their feet when they stood aside.

Jiang Yixin liked the rare bird nest as soon as she saw it: "This is good, I want one too, I want one too."

Not only Jiang Yixin liked it, but there were many people who liked it, and they all had little partridges, but there were not enough to share.

There was no time to share it at this moment, and no one responded.

After the temperature of the rare bird nest was adjusted, Jiang Yixin actively moved the bamboo basket over. Luo Jie opened the animal skin and carefully took out the little partridges one by one.

The little partridge chicks chirped, and their tender little voices were so pleasing.

Entering the rare bird nest, the little partridges first observed and jumped. Luo Bi couldn't tell whether these little things liked this luxurious nest, but she thought it was fun.

The little partridges quickly looked around for food, pecking at the small flowers and plants on the grass with their beaks.

The rare bird nest is fully functional, and a comfortable spring breeze blows from time to time.

Luo Bi can be said to have learned a lot, and couldn't help saying: "Don't die, it's a loss if you die like this."

After saying that, Luo Bi subconsciously observed them one by one to see which one was about to die. Luo Bi didn't mean anything else, she just wanted to know which little partridge chicken didn't have this life.

Wen Xiao took a breath, with a bit of worry on his face: "It's not easy to raise them."

No one wants to raise them to death, but the rare bird breeder can kill the little partridge chicken. Wen Xiao is unsure. With his ability, it would not be surprising if all the partridge chickens he raises are wiped out.

Roger also frowned: "It's really not easy to raise them."

Rare bird breeders have a high status and a lot of salary. Luo Bi thinks that if the salary is high, they can't be idle. She suggested: "If it doesn't work, let the rare bird breeder raise them for you. Aren't they capable?"

If they can, then do it. Wen Xiao and others have the right to order the rare bird breeder.

Roger immediately thought of the five little partridge chickens that the breeder raised to death. The little partridge chickens that had just hatched were delicate. If they were raised by the breeder, they would most likely die. It would be better for him to try it himself.

"I'd better raise them myself." Luo Jie said.

Jiang Yixin also shook her head and said: "I won't let the breeder raise them for me."

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