Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4598 Changing Location

The small bamboo basket was taken back, and the dead and injured little fox beasts did not need to be taken care of.

The strange beasts of other tribes would clean up and pick up the leftovers when they smelled the blood.

The Thunder Flame Warriors put away the Bi Fei Sword and returned to the spaceship.

Wu Shao and Archon Pei Jing went to the military spaceship. They had never gotten the upper hand in snatching prey from the little fox beasts. They did not show it on their faces, but they were very excited in their hearts.

Let's get together and discuss whether to leave or not.

The people from several parties came here to make a planting furnace, and they have not harvested anything so far. If it were normal, they would have gone back. There was no need to stay and waste time, but now, they did not want to leave.

It was so smooth, it would be a pity to leave.

They had killed two thousand of the usually difficult little fox beasts, and with the little pig beasts, there were more than three thousand. Just for the enthusiasm of killing the little fox beasts, they could not leave.

Luo Bi was also concerned about whether to leave or not, so she walked from the kitchen area to the living room and asked, "Are we leaving?"

Bai Yan glanced at Feng Ling, and Feng Ling said, "No."

Consul Pei Jing also said, "Continue refining tomorrow."

Luo Bi's words were very timely: "The little fox beast is here, let Xiao Zhulou strike it with thunder. It takes advantage of everything and snatches prey. If we don't strike it, who else should we strike? Just refine the blast furnace."

This was so shocking that the Thunder Flame Warrior was silent. It was difficult to remind Luo Bi that in addition to the little fox beast and the little pig beast, there were many alien beast tribes on the undeveloped planet. At least, the Fiery Beast was not easy to deal with.

Except for Consul Pei Jing, without the energy liquid, no one else could beat the Fiery Beast.

If it was the Fire Beast, we could discuss it.

"Put up another fifty furnace tripods tomorrow." Roger said lazily leaning on the sofa.

No more, we can't afford it.

Fifty furnace tripods are okay, although Roger's heart ached.

Wu Shao spoke: "I brought a furnace, the ones prepared by the military have been used up, use mine."

Roger smiled: "Okay."

Consul Pei Jing stopped talking, thinking that Wu Shao's furnace had been used up, and he also brought a furnace. He could provide furnaces later, but it was enough to have an idea in mind, and there was no need to say it out.

What's the point of saying it out? Isn't it better to look forward to it?

Just stop with the furnace brought from the military, it's best not to use the Wu family and his furnace.

Luo Bi listened to the Leiyan warriors talking, thinking about the place to set up the formation. The current location is not far from the ship parking place. She wants to move it to the center of the planet.

"Can we move to another place to refine it?" Luo Bi said softly.

This master has a bad temper. Bai Yan is the master of Xuanshu, and he has the final say on refining.

Bai Yan asked: "Where to move to?"

How could she know, Luo Bi pointed to the center of the planet: "Move there."

"How far do you move?" Bai Yan said.

Luo Bi looked at Feng Ling. Feng Ling's eyes flashed, and she knew that Luo Bi had no idea. She just thought about it. She didn't know how far to move. From the battlefield to the south, she didn't know what the planet looked like.

"There's no rush to choose the location for refining." Feng Ling said, "Let's talk about it tomorrow."

Bai Yan didn't think much about it. Luo Jie leaned on the sofa and was stunned for a while. He was surprised to find that Luo Bi was just moving for fun. Now the location of the refining furnace was fine. She just wanted to move it and change the place.

Luo Jie touched his chin, took a deep breath, and said nothing.

If Bai Yan had no objection, then change the place.

The discussion here was almost over, and the braised meat was also braised. Li Feng scooped the braised meat, Jiang Yixin called someone to bring the ingredients, Wei Yuan and Wen Xiao got up to help, and Luo Bi ran to the kitchen area.

Li Feng cut onions and made a braised meat dish.

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