Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4599 Buy it if you can

Luo Bi liked it as soon as she saw it.

The ingredients were served on the table and everyone was eating. Jiang Yixin and Wu Cheng were chatting excitedly about how great the small bamboo basket was. They looked excited, but they didn't dare to show off the small bamboo basket.

The small bamboo basket was so rare, what if someone was jealous? !

After dinner, He Yun received a call from He Xiang, who said happily: "Cousin, I bought Fan Yao's two small bamboo baskets."

"Very good." He Yun praised and turned back to give He Xiang a sum of interstellar coins.

He Xiang looked at the terminal and said, "No need to give me interstellar coins."

"Spend it for fun." He Yun pondered for a moment, picked out the combat effectiveness of the small bamboo baskets, and then said, "Luo Bi has sent out a lot of small bamboo baskets. You should pay attention and buy them if you can."

He Xiang was stunned and immediately said, "I'll ask who is selling them."

He Xiang was prudent, so He Yun was quite relieved. He reminded him slightly not to be too deliberate, lest the family members of the garrison would be suspicious and not give them. He Yun still wanted to get a few more small bamboo baskets.

He Xiang naturally knew the importance and nodded to show that he knew.

Feng Zixun called Xue Ya, gave her a reminder, and hung up the call.

Qin Yilang didn't care about getting a few more small bamboo baskets. He would be satisfied if Qin Cui sent out one less. Although Qin Yilang scolded Qin Cui, it was hard to say whether Qin Cui would send out one or two small bamboo baskets.

Wu Cheng took a bag of plant seeds and asked Jiang Yixin and Luo Bi to share it.

Luo Bi waved her hand: "I can't eat anymore, I'm full."

During the meal, Wu Cheng was next to Luo Bi. He said: "You don't eat much, a handful of melon seeds doesn't take up space."

Luo Bi unscrewed a bottle of fruit milk, took a sip and said: "The cold braised meat is salty. I drank a bottle of fruit milk, but I'm still thirsty. I didn't eat much, and I can drink water to feel full."

Jiang Yixin took a sip of water: "It's salty for me too."

Luo Bi smiled. She decided not to chat and stay up late, but it was getting late after playing.

Feng Ling got up and sent Luo Bi to bed.

The next morning, everyone set off after breakfast.

When Luo Bi moved, the Leiyan warriors followed him for a full ten miles. Scattered beasts from several tribes followed the team, not far away, including the little fox beast and the little pig beast tribe.

Luo Bi glanced at it and sneered in his heart. This is not a light beating.

Three thousand are not enough, and we have to continue killing.

In Luo Bi's opinion, no matter what kind of beast it is, there is no beast that cannot be killed.

It was difficult to walk in the wind and snow. Feng Ling wrapped Luo Bi tightly and held her in his arms. Wu Cheng followed and nagging: "Luo Bi, where should we set up the formation for refining? This is already far away from the ship parking place."

Luo Bi poked his head out of Feng Ling's arms and looked around. Under the snow, he could vaguely see that there was a flat open space, which could be used to set up a furnace for refining, but the open space was still a little small.

"Walk a little more." Luo Bi was not very satisfied.

Everyone continued to move forward, and Bai Yan used the mysterious technique to observe the terrain along the way.

Luo Bi didn't have any ideas. He estimated that he had walked a long way and looked for an open space. Some open spaces were not big, but Luo Bi thought they were too small and not open enough. Bai Yan thought they were okay, but Luo Bi didn't like them.

After walking for a while, it was already halfway through the morning, so Luo Bi stopped picking.

Luo Jie took out the furnace, Wen Yao and the others placed the furnace, processed the spiritual plants and placed them in the furnace, threw up the handkerchief ball, and the Thunder Flame Warriors shot out the supernatural fireball from the handkerchief ball to refine it.

Luo Bi chose this place very well, carefully selected, and just as he was refining here, a blazing beast strolled over nearby.

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