Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4616 Energy Board


Luo Bi was puzzled. Normally, after wiping out 100,000 foxes, they should have come to kill her, considering the stubbornness and vengeance of this tribe.

Confused, Luo Bi followed Wu Cheng to find the little foxes that were not dead on the battlefield, and chatted with Wu Cheng. Wu Cheng was also puzzled when he heard it, and asked his brother Wu Shao and Feng Ling.

"Why haven't the little foxes come to kill her yet?" Wu Cheng asked.

Wu Shao's mouth twitched: "Do you think the little foxes can't be killed completely? Kill them one after another."

Feng Ling stepped over, took off his fur gloves, and gathered Luo Bi's fur cloak, worried that she would be cold. Fortunately, the snow was light and the wind was not strong, otherwise she would not be warm after staying in the snow for a while.

Luo Bi was cold, Feng Ling felt distressed, and turned to find Wen Xiao.

Wen Xiao and Wei Yu were not far away. They turned their heads and saw Feng Ling's sight. They ran over. Feng Ling said, "Wen Xiao, take Luo Bi back to the spaceship. Women can't stand the cold. Go back to the spaceship and don't get off. There won't be any fox beasts coming to kill us in the next two days."

"Why?" Luo Bi asked quickly. She didn't know.

Feng Ling's face was indifferent. He pulled the hat on Luo Bi's cloak and said, "The fox beasts didn't say that half of the tribe was wiped out, but it was almost done. It won't be so fast to summon the remaining half of the tribe."

Only half of them were wiped out. Luo Bi didn't know the number. Half of the combat power was gone, and the other half was still there. It shouldn't be underestimated. The fox beasts were not to be feared until there were a few left.

"Will it take another day or two to summon and kill the remaining fox beasts?" Luo Bi asked Feng Ling.

Feng Ling knew more than Luo Bi: "The ones on the edge of the planet were almost killed. The rest were in the mountains and forests inside the planet. It would take one or two days from summoning to rushing over, day and night."

Luo Bi thought to herself that she could stroll around in the vicinity in one or two days.

Feng Ling had already told Wen Xiao, but then he changed his mind and picked up Luo Bi to send her back to the spaceship. Wen Xiao asked Wu Cheng to go back with him, but Wu Cheng wanted to stay and look for the remaining little fox beasts.

Back on the spaceship, Feng Ling installed a Fiery Beast energy plate on the spaceship without hesitation.

Once the Fiery Beast energy plate was installed, the temperature on the small luxury spaceship went up immediately. It was not cold even after taking off the fur coat, and it was very comfortable to stay on the spaceship.

Wen Xiao boiled some hot water, waited for the tea to be steamed, drank a cup of tea and stood up: "Wu Cheng, you and Luo Bi stay on the spaceship, I'll go and pick up two exotic beasts for dinner."

Wu Cheng held the teacup and drank tea like an adult, waving his hand: "You go."

Then he thought, Wu Cheng said: "There is only one little Moo Beast, right?!"

"Yeah." Wen Xiao nodded. Moo Beast meat is more delicious among exotic beasts, but there is only one small Moo Beast left, about 100 pounds. Wen Xiao said: "I'll pick the herbivorous exotic beasts you killed and find one with slightly better meat to pick up."

Wu Cheng nodded, Wen Xiao got off the spaceship to pick up the exotic beasts, Wu Cheng and Luo Bi chatted on the spaceship and played with a small optical computer.

Li Feng then came back with a guard, carrying back a herbivorous exotic beast, the meat of which was slightly better, picked by Li Feng, Luo Jie sent Li Feng back to cook, and the guard helped in the kitchen.

Feng Ling's prediction was correct. The little fox beast did not come to attack until dark.

There were other groups of beasts around. Without the little fox beast, the other beasts would be very powerful. When the Thunder Flame Warriors saw the sky, they did not dare to stay for long and immediately retreated to the Rock Mountain.

After returning to the spaceship, they discussed and decided to stay on the Blazing Star to continue blasting the furnace.

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