Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4617: The family has some background

Roger and Bai Yan are from big families, they are smart and wise, not stubborn.

But this time they came to Chixing to refine the furnace, and they were not satisfied.

Roger leaned on the sofa and said: "Refine fifty furnace tripods, the fox beast tribe will not come to kill for a while, without the fox beast leading the team, the pig beast will not disturb the refining."

Without the little fox beast, the refining can almost be at ease.

"How about I add another fifty furnace tripods?" Wu Shao suggested, and then looked at Feng Ling.

Feng Ling said: "You keep it."

Consul Pei Jing did not speak. In fact, He Yun also brought a furnace tripod, which was given to him by the admiral. He Yun is the admiral's confidant. Roger brought the furnace tripods prepared by the military, and He Yun also brought some.

Feng Zixun also brought a furnace tripod, which Bai Nanfeng prepared for him, and Feng Zixun also brought a furnace tripod himself. He Yun didn't say anything, and Feng Zixun didn't say anything either. When the furnace tripods were not enough, and the military, Wu Shao, and Archon Pei Jing's were finished, if they continued to refine and didn't leave, Feng Zixun and He Yun would naturally take out the furnace tripods.

Those who have some background in their families brought furnace tripods this time, but they don't need them at the moment.

However, it is estimated that the military's furnace tripods will soon be used up.

Luo Bi came to the living room from the kitchen area, came to Feng Ling, and continued to suggest changing places.

He found it funny. Luo Bi sat next to Feng Ling and discussed with Luo Jie and Bai Yan: "Let's change places tomorrow? Go to the center of the planet again."

As soon as these words came out, Wei Yuan's jaw dropped to the ground, and changed places again.

Wei Yu laughed and said, "Will it attract another 100,000 little fox beasts?!"

Feng Ling and Wen Yao laughed, but they couldn't help but consider that on undeveloped planets, there are various tribes of exotic beasts. Even if there are no little fox beasts and little pig beasts, there are still other tribes of exotic beasts.

The matter of changing the place for refining is related to the mysterious art. Feng Ling did not make the decision and let Bai Yan make the decision.

Bai Yan did not hesitate and agreed immediately. The reason was that the place for refining today was desolate after being struck by thunder. It would be better to change the place. Luo Bi had proposed it, so Bai Yan naturally listened to it.

Roger was in a good mood. He took a cup of tea, drank a sip, and teased Luo Bi: "Tomorrow when we refine the blast furnace, there will be beasts coming to kill us. You take the small bamboo basket to protect the team."

Luo Bi agreed: "There are also He Yun and Wu Shao."

She would not take on too much responsibility by herself. She would drag He Yun and Wu Shao along. The Thunder Flame Warriors were born to kill beasts. Why should she be so prominent? If she can protect them, she will not take on too much responsibility.

Everyone agreed and started chatting.

Bai Yan thought of the shock today and sighed: "One hundred thousand little fox beasts. This thunder tribulation is simply designed to suppress the bloodline of the little fox beast clan."

The casualties of the little fox beasts have never happened in tens of thousands of years.

When Bai Yan mentioned it, the Thunder Flame Warriors were quite emotional.

What Qin Yilang was most worried about was the small bamboo basket in Qin Cui's hand. He turned around to call Qin Cui and asked Qin Cui to put away the small bamboo basket. Qin Cui was impatient and hung up the call.

Qin Yilang's face turned black, and he was even more worried.

Roger didn't care about him and told his adjutant Qin Rong to find someone who had a small bamboo basket and quickly trick him over. Qin Rong asked Qin Cui for help, after all, Qin Cui often played with the garrison family members.

As a result, Qin Cui was very annoyed and ignored Qin Rong.

Qin Rong's face turned black, this cousin really didn't know the seriousness of the matter.

Qin Cui didn't know the seriousness of the matter, but He Xiang acted quickly and casually invited Lan Qiao and others to have tea, saying that she liked the small bamboo basket.

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