Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4623: Enough for him to show off to his childhood friends

Luo Bi looked at the imperial concubine pig and couldn't wait any longer.

He squatted down and dug a few spiritual plants beside him, but he didn't think much about it.

After a while, he found that there was only one little imperial concubine pig left, and the other four went west to find food.

Luo Bi hurried to call Li Feng, and Wu Cheng was no longer needed. He was a drag and didn't dare to kill the imperial concubine pig. There was a big battle, and the Leiyan warriors had to go on missions frequently. Li Feng put down the small shovel and followed Luo Bi down the hill.

It was just a try. If they couldn't kill the imperial concubine pig, they would give up. Therefore, Wen Xiao and Wu Cheng didn't go.

The little imperial concubine pig weighed about fifty pounds and opened its mouth to eat the small wild fruits on the bushes.

Li Feng climbed a rock, and Luo Bi handed Li Feng a bottle of energy liquid without attributes. Li Feng took the energy liquid, held the sword and guided the energy from one of the small bamboo baskets to attack the little imperial concubine pig.

"Boom boom" several earth-type energy balls flew out, and the little imperial concubine pig was injured in a few hits. It groaned and flicked its hooves, condensing a string of five small golden balls and smashing them out.

Li Feng saw that he could hurt the little imperial concubine pig, his eyes lit up, and he continued to attack with his supernatural power.

Luo Bi counted, Li Feng guided eleven earth-type energy balls from the small bamboo basket, and the little bamboo basket ran out of energy after twelve explosions. Li Feng also counted, and concentrated all his energy to attack.

"Boom", the little imperial concubine pig died.

Li Feng was overjoyed: "We killed a little imperial concubine pig."

Luo Bi was also a little excited, the imperial concubine pig was a monster, and the little imperial concubine pork was more delicious.

Wu Cheng ran over excitedly: "Oh my god, this little bamboo basket is awesome."

The supernatural power that Li Feng had just mobilized consumed a lot, and the strong gene was a little agitated. He took out a bottle of soothing elixir and took it. Wu Cheng had already run to drag the little imperial concubine pig back. The little thunder flame warrior was ready to fight and changed his mind to kill the monster.

With the help of the small bamboo basket array, killing monsters is not impossible. The imperial concubine pig is a monster. Wu Cheng thinks that if he kills one, it will be enough for him to show off to his childhood friends.

"Let's go and kill those four imperial concubine pigs." Luo Bi also became energetic.

"I'll take this little imperial concubine pig to Wen Xiao." Wu Cheng ran away.

Luo Bi looked at Wu Cheng running easily in the snow and exhaled depressedly. Li Feng was a little excited. He had seen that the flowers on the heads of these imperial concubine pigs were very small, and they were not of level 7 combat power.

Even if it was a level 4 imperial concubine pig monster, hunting one would be a big gain.

Wen Xiao came back with Wu Cheng. Now everyone had the confidence to kill monsters. They looked west and found the four imperial concubine pigs. The Leiyan warriors each had a small bamboo basket array device, holding swords to guide energy attacks from the small bamboo basket.

The two big imperial concubine pigs were obviously much more powerful than the previous one. The Leiyan warriors did not dare to waste the energy of the small bamboo basket. They observed every attack before using their superpowers.

Luo Bi could not intervene. He watched for a while and felt that the Leiyan warriors would not suffer any loss with the help of the small bamboo basket.

Luo Bi didn't care about it because she couldn't stand the loss. She strolled around. The imperial pigs all ran over here. What good things were there? The imperial pig monster liked to eat fruit, so she looked for it too.

The rocks here were slightly higher, divided into several small hills, each of which was not large in area.

Luo Bi touched the rocks and strolled around carefully. When she looked up, she saw a fruit tree growing out of the cracks in the rocks. The oval melons, each weighing about one or two pounds, grew on the whole tree.

That's it, not quite the same as the melons she had eaten before.

Luo Bi liked to eat melons, so she smiled immediately.

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