Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4624 Some have nutrition but no energy

How can I not be happy? The fruits and vegetables on undeveloped planets contain nutrients and energy.

Those grown by planters are naturally inferior to those grown in the wild.

Some of the fruits grown by low-level planters are not only poor in nutrition, but also have nutrients but no energy, and those with nutrients and energy but low content. In short, the natural ones are still the best.

Moreover, cantaloupe is Luo Bi's favorite.

She ran to the front happily. The tree was not tall, and it didn't look old, but it grew in the wrong place. The rocky terrain was relatively high and steep. Luo Bi looked up and the fruit tree looked very tall.

The crack in the rock where the fruit tree grew was more than one meter higher than where Luo Bi stepped. Fortunately, there were several stones suitable for footing. Plants grew on the soil accumulated on the rocks, with branches and twigs.

Luo Bi was timid and afraid of heights, so she pulled the small shrubs to climb up.

Damn, the cloak is in the way.

It's like this in winter. Wearing thick clothes only keeps warm but not good.

Luo Bi adjusted the hem of her cloak, then pulled the small bush, climbed up in one go, stepped on a solid rock, leaned on the big rock next to her, and looked at the fruit tree closely.

Luo Bi counted and found that there were thirty-two cantaloupes.

Not enough to share.

There were twenty guards of Archon Pei Jing and twenty guards of the Wu family. The guards alone were more than the number of cantaloupes. Everyone was on a mission together. It seemed wrong not to give others food after collecting it.

With all kinds of thoughts in her mind, Luo Bi opened her storage bracelet and took out a half-large bamboo basket. Thirty-two cantaloupes would definitely not fit in it, but the large bamboo basket was full and she couldn't carry it.

She found an open space in the rocks next to her and barely put the bamboo basket in place. Luo Bi held the cantaloupes and pulled them down from the tree. The melon vines were tough and couldn't be pulled down.

Eh? That's not right.

Luo Bi was confused by the mutated things, and only now did she realize that cantaloupe is a melon, and should grow on a melon vine. Can it still be called a cantaloupe if it grows on a fruit tree?

There was no one else here, and Luo Bi laughed. It was not a cantaloupe.

She was stupid, she cursed herself.

She tried to break the stem of the melon again, but it didn't work. Luo Bi didn't bother, opened the storage bracelet, found the small machete, and chopped it with leverage, and the nutritious energy melon was picked.

She carefully put it in the bamboo basket, one.

They were still killing the imperial concubine pigs over there, and the monster pork was much rarer than the nutritious energy melon. Luo Bi was anxious to go back to see the battle situation, and quickly picked the nutritious energy melon in front of her.

After picking the ones on this side, she carefully leaned over to pick the ones on the other side. The ones she couldn't reach made Luo Bi very anxious and upset, but fortunately she picked them one by one.

She carefully lowered a whole bamboo basket from the height she was standing on, and put the other half of the bamboo basket into her storage bracelet. Seeing the green leaves on the fruit trees full of vitality, Luo Bi folded some of them and put them on the bamboo basket.

After jumping down, Luo Bi carried the bamboo basket back.

Li Feng, Wen Xiao, and Wu Cheng were still killing the imperial concubine pig monsters. Luo Bi asked before she ran to them, "How many have you killed?"

Wu Cheng guided out an earth-type energy ball to attack, and turned back to tell her, "The two little imperial concubine pigs have been killed."

Luo Bi put down the heavy backpack, climbed up a small rocky hill with low terrain, and looked down. The two little imperial concubine pigs had been killed, and the two big ones were powerful, but they were seriously injured.

The imperial concubine pigs howled with anger, condensed a golden ball, and smashed it over here.

The rocks were all smashed, Luo Bi took a look, and she picked them up for a while.

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