Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 463 Ten Combat Teams Are Fully Fired

At this time, Qin Yilang and Feng Ling also installed high-grade energy stones, swallowed the energy liquid, looked at each other, and withdrew from the battle.

The energy stones that Luo Bi gave were all high-grade energy stones, which were different from the ones that Hu Li had extracted before. Just one piece, it would be no problem to use it for a day. There is also the energy liquid, a bottle of 100 milliliters, the combat power can directly crush several strange beasts, and it can be destroyed with one move, so it can't be wasted.

The morale of the first combat team was high, and they spotted a group of strange beasts, one by one, and swung their swords to unleash a supernatural power.

"Boom, boom, boom..." There were several explosions, and nearly twenty strange beasts were blown out. When the wind blew, a smell of meat rushed over, and they should be half-baked.

"Wow!" Jiang Yixin put on a triumphant posture: "All gone."

"This is so cool." Wen Xiao said with joy on his face, and picked up the high-grade energy stone on the ground: "This Luo Bi actually still has stock."

Seeing the situation here, several other combat teams followed suit. One team focused on a group of strange beasts, and then wiped them all out. For a while, there was constant bombardment under the entire ice and snow city wall, no matter how powerful the beasts were, they were all blown away by the powerful supernatural energy.

The alien beasts outside the safety zone could smell the human breath keenly, and all ten combat teams were dispatched. The heavy breath immediately attracted a large number of alien beasts, gathering towards the ice and snow city wall one by one.

Luo Bi leaned on the city wall and saw something moving in the vast snow field from a distance. She was puzzled and watched carefully. When she saw that there were a large number of strange beasts, she was taken aback. If the number continued, she would almost catch up with the tide of small beasts.

Sensing the seriousness of the situation, Luo Bi pulled down her neckband, put her hands to her mouth and shouted: "Hey, come here, come here..." Nima, the wind is too strong, a gust of wind rushes over, directly blocking the Mouth.

Don't need to talk, besides the distance and the strong wind, people outside the city wall may not be able to hear her shouting, so Luo Bi dialed the communication immediately and asked Feng Ling and the others to come over.

Ten combat teams were entangled by alien beasts, and it was impossible for them all to come over. Wen Xiao and Jiang Yixin pulled away and ran over, standing under the city wall and shouting, "What are you doing?"

Robbie grabbed a handful of energy liquid and threw it down: "Energy liquid, go on."

Damn, is this the way energy liquid is thrown? Wen Xiao and Jiang Yixin were impatient and stretched out their hands to pick it up. There were five bottles in total, Wen Xiao took two bottles, Jiang Yixin took three bottles.

Luo Bi was about to throw it away again, but Wen Xiao hurriedly waved his hand to stop it: "Don't throw it away, I'll call someone, whoever runs out will ask for it."

Wen Xiao and Jiang Yixin took five bottles, and went back to divide them into one point according to their attributes. When the team opened up, they would still be destroyed with one move. Then Roger and the captain of the tenth combat team came to ask for energy liquid, and Luo Bi threw a few more handfuls. The anxious Roger and He Yun jumped up to pick it up, for fear of breaking a bottle.

Luo Bi is not worried that others will not be able to catch it. There is snow all over the ground, even if it cannot be caught, it will not break if it falls. These people are too fussy.

With enough energy liquid and high-grade energy stones, the ten combat teams were fully fired, killing batch after batch, and piled up a lot of strange beasts. Seeing this, the sergeants on the city wall jumped down to collect them quickly. These are all winter supplies for the Sun Emperor Star, and none of them could be missed.

Although the energy of the jade stone is majestic, its disadvantages are unavoidable. As time goes by, the spare jade swords in the hands of the combat team are all used up, and only one is left.

In this way, the battle could not continue. Roger gave an order and all retreated above the city wall.

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