Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 464 Wrist Bracelet

As soon as Luo Bi saw the combat team coming up, she asked, "Why did they come up? A wave of small alien beasts has formed below, hurry up and suppress them!"

Feng Ling closed her cloak: "I've used up all the Bi Fei swords."

Luo Jie and the others stood on the viewing platform and looked down. Everyone's faces were full of unwillingness. They had enough energy liquid and high-grade energy stones, but because of the lack of equipment for the Jade Jade Sword, they could only watch helplessly. Kill, I feel aggrieved just thinking about it.

"Is there anything you can do?" Qin Yilang asked Luo Bi casually. Luo Bi often did amazing things, so he remembered to ask. Actually, he didn't have much hope, after all, Luo Bi had no contact with refining Jade Sword.

"I have a solution!" Luo Bi nestled into Feng Ling's arms to keep warm, and the strong north wind blew on the city wall for a long time, but she froze to death.

Feng Ling looked down at Luo Bi when Feng Ling heard the words, Luo Jie's ears were sharp, and before Qin Yilang could say anything, he immediately asked: "What can you do? Help me, I beg you, we currently need a lot of supplies to control the stability of the planet. You should know that."

Of course Luo Bi knew that she didn't have a soul wear that took over someone else's body. She grew up in the future interstellar world, so she didn't understand anything. It is because she understands everything in her heart like a mirror, so she knows what she should do. Otherwise, why would such a stingy person send things out without paying, because she sees the situation clearly, what is good for her, she Just do what you want, people will not be killed for themselves.

What's more, the deadly enemies have begged her, and killing people is nothing more than nodding their heads. Luo Bi claims that she is not the kind of person who relies on her own ability to get her big.

She raised her right hand and said: "I have an array, just use the array."

Luo Jie and Qin Yilang looked at her hands, only seeing furry animal skin gloves, which were definitely not array weapons.

Feng Ling knew that there was a wrist bracelet on Luo Bi's wrist, and he didn't pull up Luo Bi's sleeves, otherwise Luo Bi would be frozen, so he asked, "How do I use it?"

Luo Bi raised the corners of her mouth. Feng Ling loved her the most. If a man like Gao Yunlin knew that Bai Yun had a weapon in his hand, he would have taken it off without hesitation.

The man didn't do anything, she lifted her sleeves to reveal the wrist bracelet, everyone looked at it and didn't recognize it, but few people present had seen advanced arrays, so it's normal not to know. After looking at it twice, I didn't see anything famous, it was just a wrist bracelet.

Robbie ignored other people's gazes, and turned to face Roger, who was present with the highest military rank. She said: "There are ten combat team captains in total, right? Later I will ask Feng Ling and Wen Xiao to fix the bracelet with supernatural powers, and you command the ten captains to introduce supernatural powers to the bracelet, and then find the target animal to set. "

It sounded okay at first, but after thinking about it carefully, Roger didn't understand, and turned to look at Guan Wei and the others.

Guan Wei smiled, but he didn't understand. He muttered slowly: "Beast set? What kind of trick?"

Wen Xiao tilted his head and thought for a while, he has seen the tricks of water ducks and moomoo beasts before, it wouldn't be like that! I really couldn't figure it out, so I watched Robbie and waited for her to explain.

Luo Bi couldn't explain it, and she couldn't explain it clearly, so she just stretched out her wrist and said to Feng Ling and Wen Xiao, "I'll throw out the five bracelets above, and you can import the wind ability into the bracelets, and directly put them into the bracelets." Just fix the bracelet to the sky."

Wen Xiao was dumbfounded, he could do it, what did Luo Bi say, how could he fix the bracelet in the sky? Come on, let the thunder strike him. How is this possible?

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