Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4647: Marriage

So, let's go back to the Emperor Star.

Roger, Feng Ling, He Yun and others thought about it. They had made a lot of gains on the Blazing Star. Eating the monster meat and purified moo beasts can extend their lifespans. There is no need to attract too much attention.

Sharing the monster meat and purified moo beast meat with others? They are just bored.

There are no scammers on this mission, so it is not a big deal. Even though Wu Cheng is younger and likes to show off in a familiar circle, the little Thunder Flame Warrior also knows the importance.

In theory, the most troublesome people on the mission are the talented people and the talented contract masters. Not only are they a burden, but they also like to make trouble.

However, Luo Bi, don't worry, she is reliable even if someone is unreliable.

No one can make a fortune in silence as well as her.

This master is worry-free.

Feng Ling went to the kitchen area and gave Li Feng a section of level 5 ginseng grass. Jiang Yixin took a look and her eyes fell on the cleaned up imperial concubine pork and cut out the small ribs.

Stewed spareribs with ginseng grass is high in nutrition and energy, and also delicious.

Luo Bi ran up from the spaceship. Feng Ling opened the paper bag and gave Luo Bi a handful of fried clams. Luo Bi had played crazy today, so Feng Ling had to tell her: "Be careful not to sweat, stay on the spaceship."

Feng Ling was doing this for her own good. Luo Bi smiled and nodded while holding Wen Yushi: "I know."

Feng Ling went to work, and Wu Cheng followed him on the spaceship. He is now Luo Bi's little follower. Wu Cheng is a little proud. The job he found himself is much better than those of his childhood friends.

Bai Yan just remembered, tilted his head, and said to Wu Shao beside him: "Your brother is a blessed one."

Wu Shao paused, turned his head in surprise to look at Wu Cheng a few more times, and then said disdainfully: "Luo Wan of the Luo family is a lucky man for her husband, and she can also marry someone through marriage. What's the use of this kid? He only knows how to eat."

"You're taking advantage of him." Zhan Di sneered: "If Zhan Shao is a blessed one, I'll be so happy."

Wu Shao turned his head and asked Bai Yan: "Really?"

"Yeah." Bai Yan nodded and said: "After Luo Bi reminded me, I looked a few more times and found that your family is already blessed. It's not surprising that Wu Cheng is blessed."

Wu Shao immediately thought about Wu Cheng's blessing.

Luo Bi strolled and listened, and then went to the kitchen area. At this time, Li Feng was already busy, and He Yun didn't go back, so he simply rolled up his sleeves and prepared the ingredients together.

There was not enough seasoning, so Feng Ling and Archon Pei Jing took out some of it. Pei Jing usually cooked for himself when he was on a mission. Since Feng Ling married Luo Bi, she had prepared some in her storage ring, so she was not short of it. Now it came in handy.

"This time we have a rich supply of ingredients." Wei Yuan said with a smile.

Luo Bi peeled melon seeds and said, "Only meat."

Wei Yu carried a small basket and put it on the table: "I just asked He Yun to dig it. Luo Bi can eat steamed wild vegetables by herself."

Wu Cheng immediately gave the melon seed bag to Luo Bi and started to pick vegetables. The kitchen area was very lively. Several guards came to help from time to time, chatting around the grill, and didn't want to leave.

As it got dark, Wei Yu and Wei Yuan went to pick up Wen Xiao and his team.

Wen Xiao came back and went to the kitchen area immediately. He took a look at the purifying beast meat and was amazed. Good guy, he came to Chixing and was so lucky that he could hunt the rare prey of natural purifying beast.

However, Wen Xiao also harvested a lot in the spiritual plant field.

Wen Xiao stayed in the kitchen area for a while, then walked to the living room. The guards put boxes of spiritual plants and medicinal plants on the ground. Roger and Feng Ling glanced at them with surprise in their eyes.

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