Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4648 All good things

Luo Jie couldn't hide his joy: "Count."

Zhan Di and Wen Xiao started to count immediately. Luo Bi ran over to watch the fun. Feng Ling took a small basket and handed it to Luo Bi: "This is the wild vegetables that Wen Xiao dug, and there are mushrooms. Give it to Li Feng, and add a dish for you."

Digging spiritual plants, he was still thinking about digging wild vegetables for her. Luo Bi smiled and took it and took it to the kitchen area.

"Wow, there are mushrooms." Li Feng was surprised.

"Wen Xiao and others collected them." Luo Bi said.

Li Feng was very busy and had no time to chat with Luo Bi.

The kitchen area was very lively at this time. On the grill, one side of the roasted meat was roasted yellow, sprinkled with seasoning, and the imperial concubine pork was sizzling. The aroma of the roasted meat spread, not to mention how tempting it was.

The braised meat was still being braised, and soon, the roasted meat was cooked.

Luo Bi went to get a plate and sat down to eat with Wu Cheng. It was so fragrant.

Wu Cheng took a bite of the purified Moo Moo meat, and was shocked. He ate faster. Luo Bi also found it delicious. Apart from other things, he didn't feel uncomfortable after eating it. Other ingredients would make people feel uncomfortable if they ate too much.

When the ingredients were almost ready, the Thunder Flame Warriors sat down one after another. Then they ate more than half of the barbecued meat. They were not full yet. They were not picky. Both the demon beast meat and the purified beast meat were good.

After the meal, Li Feng told everyone in surprise: "My combat power has been upgraded."

Everyone was stunned. Li Feng's combat power was stuck, and it was not easy to upgrade.

Qin Yilang was overjoyed: "It's good to upgrade. Your combat power has finally broken through."

Several people who had a good relationship with him were happy for Li Feng. Wen Xiao was a little sad. Fortunately, Qin Cui didn't follow him this time. Otherwise, according to Qin Cui's picky temper, Li Feng would eat less and it would be difficult to upgrade his combat power.

At the beginning of the combat power upgrade, it is necessary to stabilize the combat power and pay attention to it.

Qin Yilang gave Li Feng a few instructions, and the next morning, Wei Yuan's combat power was also upgraded. In other words, after taking the energy liquid, the skyrocketing combat power also had a chance of winning.

On Chixing, except for Archon Pei Jing, others could not defeat the alien beasts without the energy liquid.

Undeveloped planets in winter are full of dangers, and those with poor combat power really cannot go on missions.

This time they came to Chixing, they didn't want to kill the alien beasts, but just wanted to bypass the alien beasts to set up a formation and refine. Who knew that Nima was not idle when he came, poked the nest of the fox beast tribe, and was forced to kill the alien beasts with lightning.

At present, the Thunder Flame Warriors pay more attention to the mysterious art.

There are also ingredients, and lunch cannot be missed.

Li Feng took Jiang Yixin and others to roast dried meat, and everyone took it with them. They set out to change places. No place would work, so they looked for an open place with gravel. They picked an open place, and Roger took out thirty furnace tripods.

The Thunder Flame Warriors set up the furnace tripods here and arranged the refining. No one cared about how Luo Bi strolled around.

The gravel and open space is so large that Luo Bi and Wu Cheng can stroll around freely.

Luo Jie and Bai Yan are not greedy. It would be fine if they could find a spiritual plant field. The energy of the small bamboo basket team is insufficient. Wen Yao, Feng Ling, Archon Pei Jing and others will introduce supernatural powers.

Luo Bi was a little confused and walked around with Wu Cheng without confidence.

In the morning, more than 30 moo beasts were killed.

Wu Cheng took a look after killing one, and Luo Bi grinned: "How can there be so many purifying beasts."

Wu Cheng knew it in his heart, but he still took a look to feel relieved.

"I'll go around." Luo Bi gave this piece to Wu Cheng and ran away to look around.

Seeing a bamboo forest, Luo Bi thought of winter bamboo shoots, so he ran to see if there were any winter bamboo shoots.

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