Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4649 You are so lucky

Luo Bi didn't know where winter bamboo shoots grew, so she looked around.

Without a cheat code system, Luo Bi looked at the bamboo forest in the snow in a daze. She didn't know how to find winter bamboo shoots, but some bamboo shoots had grown up and could still be seen. Luo Bi looked at the ones that looked like bamboo shoots and kicked them with her feet.

Damn, they're not bamboo shoots.

She looked for several bamboos and they were all bamboos. Luo Bi continued to look and kicked them with her feet: "Huh?"

Luo Bi leaned over and saw that this was a bamboo shoot.

Finally found one, Luo Bi took out a small hoe from the storage bracelet, pushed away the snow, and swung the small hoe to dig. She thought the soil was frozen solid, but it turned out to be very soft and easy to dig.

Good luck, Luo Bi was satisfied, squatting and digging.

After digging up the soil on top, Luo Bi found that this winter bamboo shoot was different. It was very fat, unlike the bamboo shoots prepared by the military this time. It was the kind of thin bamboo shoots, similar to asparagus, and not very delicious.

Luo Bi didn't know what winter bamboo shoots tasted like. She had never eaten them, and she had never eaten such plump winter bamboo shoots.

Her hands were almost frozen, and there was mud on her animal leather gloves. The more she dug, the colder her hands became. Luo Bi had originally planned to find a few more winter bamboo shoots to dig, but now she was discouraged and didn't dig this one.

When her hands were so frozen that she could hardly hold the small hoe, she finally dug this winter bamboo shoot. It weighed about two pounds and was quite big. Luo Bi held the warm jade stone to warm it for a while. Her feet were cold, so she looked around and found a few more.

Luo Bi identified the direction and warmed her hands. Then she went back to throw out a small bamboo basket, threw the winter bamboo shoots into it, and carried the small bamboo basket back to find Wu Cheng.

Luo Bi didn't give any instructions. Wu Cheng killed more than a dozen miscellaneous beasts. The horns and crystals were valuable, and some of the beast meat was okay. The two of them didn't have time to harvest, so Luo Bi opened the storage bracelet to collect them.

Around two o'clock in the afternoon, Luo Bi and Wu Cheng were freezing and ran back.

The Thunder Flame Warriors broke thirty furnaces while setting up the formation. Everyone was cleaning up the furnaces. He Yun and Wu Shao led the team to kill dozens of pig beasts. The little fox beasts just watched and didn't dare to run out.

Wu Cheng said with a gloomy face: "We only killed more than thirty ordinary moo beasts, and the other beasts are not valuable."

Roger laughed and said indifferently: "How can there be so many valuable beasts? Even if there are, the combat power of the beasts is not low. Without the small bamboo basket formation device, we can't kill any of them."

Wu Cheng was still a little disappointed. He had too high expectations.

Feng Ling didn't expect Luo Bi to get anything, so he went over and asked: "Are you cold?"

Luo Bi said coquettishly: "I'm freezing to death."

Feng Ling picked her up, said hello to Luo Jie and Qin Yilang, and walked back to the spaceship.

Jiang Yixin followed, and Wu Cheng saw that he was freezing and followed him: "I'm going back to the spaceship to warm up, too. I'm frozen all day. It's really cold today."

Several people returned to the spaceship. The energy panels on the spaceship were sufficient, and warmth immediately came over them.

Luo Bi didn't let him hold her anymore, and went down to dig out the small bamboo basket.

Jiang Yixin came over: "What did you collect?"

Luo Bi smiled and said: "Winter bamboo shoots."

It's good to find winter bamboo shoots in the winter. Jiang Yixin was about to say that you are so lucky, but she took a look and said: "I, I... My God, winter bamboo shoots with spiritual energy."

Luo Bi was dumbfounded, and Wu Cheng was surprised. He didn't know that he was with Luo Bi.

Feng Ling stepped over and glanced at her. He didn't know what to say. It would be a lie to say that he was not surprised. Feng Ling asked: "Where did you dig it from?"

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