Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4650 Not Enough to Eat

Luo Bi thought of a possibility, and her heart was pounding.

She had been guessing and talking nonsense before, but she didn't expect to guess it right. Ingredients containing spiritual energy are very rare. She found them one after another. Luo Bi didn't believe that it had nothing to do with the formation and refining.

"There is a bamboo forest in the south." Luo Bi pointed in that direction and answered Feng Ling. There are few plants in Chixing, mainly rocks and gravel, so she just pointed to the bamboo forest. Luo Bi then said: "I'll warm up and take you to find it. There are still several of these winter bamboo shoots."

"No hurry." Ingredients containing spiritual energy are important, but Feng Ling cares most about Luo Bi.

It's uncomfortable to be frozen, but he is not the one who feels sorry. Feng Ling knows it in his heart.

Wu Cheng hurried to move the Chizhu tree: "Warm up quickly."

In fact, there are no other hunting teams and mercenary groups in Chixing at present, and the winter bamboo shoots will not run away. There is no need to worry about not being able to find them when you go back, or being dug up by others. There is no need to dig them immediately.

But that is a nutritious and energetic food that contains spiritual energy. If you don't dig it up, who wouldn't be anxious?

Luo Bi was also uneasy. She stayed next to the burning bamboo to keep warm. She thought a lot and asked worriedly: "Have you ever collected food that contains spiritual energy before? Will it run away?"

"I have never collected it." Jiang Yixin shook her head.

But when Luo Bi asked this, Jiang Yixin's heart jumped, and Wu Cheng looked at Feng Ling uneasily.

Feng Ling didn't know what the food that contained spiritual energy was like. Sorry, he never found any food that contained spiritual energy when he went on a mission. He didn't even find any food that contained spiritual energy.

Since he found it, he couldn't let it go. Feng Ling immediately arranged: "Luo Bi, it's freezing outside. You and Jiang Yixin stay on the spaceship, and Wu Cheng and I will go to the bamboo forest."

Luo Bi was even more uneasy now, and she didn't feel cold anymore: "I'll go with you? I'm worried that the food will run away."

"Okay." Feng Ling agreed.

Digging one more winter bamboo shoot with spiritual energy is more beneficial to Luo Bi than the Thunder Flame Warrior. The Thunder Flame Warrior has a long lifespan, while women have a short lifespan.

One winter bamboo shoot is obviously not enough for Luo Bi.

Feng Ling gathered Luo Bi's cloak and glanced at Jiang Yixin. Jiang Yixin's eyes flashed and she immediately moved the small bamboo tree. Luo Bi's heart skipped a beat. Oh my god, this is really worth it.

The Thunder Flame Warrior thought so thoughtfully, but Luo Bi felt embarrassed. She hugged the Wen Yushi and said, "I have Wen Yushi. I won't freeze to death if I run a trip. I don't need to move the bamboo tree."

Feng Ling ignored her, picked up the person, and motioned Jiang Yixin and Wu Cheng to follow.

At this moment, the wind and snow were very strong, and large pieces of snow fell down, but the wind was not so biting. This is the weather in winter. It's not so cold when it snows heavily, and it's cold when it doesn't snow.

Feng Ling and Jiang Yixin were born with strong genes, so they didn't need to say hello when they left the team. If they went to say hello, they would have to take a detour. They went straight to the bamboo forest.

Luo Bi usually strolled near the refining team, so the distance was not very far. Twenty minutes later, the group arrived at the bamboo forest. The green bamboo was covered with a layer of snow.

Luo Bi couldn't wait to go down and find the nearest few winter bamboo shoots.

Feng Ling and Jiang Yixin, who was carrying the blazing bamboo tree, followed, and Wu Cheng looked around and tried hard to find winter bamboo shoots.

Luo Bi looked once, but didn't find it. She looked at Feng Ling and the others: "There are several nearby."

"Oh my." Wu Cheng couldn't believe it: "Run away?"

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