Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4651 Winter Bamboo Shoots Containing Spiritual Energy

"Ah?" Luo Bi was speechless. How could this happen? She didn't even know about the ingredients that contained spiritual energy, and she couldn't just run away after finding them. Luo Bi couldn't understand: "Will the nutritious energy ingredients run away? It's not ginseng grass."

It makes sense that the natural treasures would run away.

Wu Cheng opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Feng Ling looked around, and Luo Bi didn't give up, so she went back to look again: "I'll look again."

Wu Cheng ran over: "This one?"

Luo Bi gestured at the bamboo forest in front of her, about a hundred square meters, so that everyone wouldn't go astray: "It's probably around here, look for it, if you can't find it, I'll really run away."

Several people looked together, but they didn't find the winter bamboo shoots.

The heavy snow fell so densely that they couldn't even find a pit.

Luo Bi had a rough idea in her mind, and she muttered: "I would have dug it down earlier, but I was too cold, so I didn't dig it up. As a result, the winter bamboo shoots containing spiritual energy were gone, and there were several of them."

How cold could it be, she should have dug it down.

Jiang Yixin reminded: "Not all of them may contain spiritual energy."

Who knows? During the gaps that the Thunder Flame Warriors were looking for, Luo Bi wandered a little further, looking for winter bamboo shoots in the open area. If he couldn't find any, he would just dig three feet deep. He might as well look for winter bamboo shoots somewhere else.

It's no big deal to look for them.

After walking for a while, Luo Bi saw a tip of a bamboo shoot exposed in the snow.

"Oh my god!" He found a winter bamboo shoot.

Luo Bi didn't say anything because of his personality. There was only one winter bamboo shoot, so there was no need to make a fuss. He continued to look around.

Luo Bi had good eyesight and could see far away at a glance.

He found another winter bamboo shoot, and he was so excited. He didn't care if it had spiritual energy or not. Anyway, he found several, which was better than none. Luo Bi's heart was pounding. Then he found a place with two.

He didn't need to separate them. Luo Bi counted them and found more than a dozen.

A dozen winter bamboo shoots were enough for his family to eat.

Luo Bi ran back happily, and said to Feng Ling with a happy face: "Don't take the ones you can't find, Feng Ling, I found more than a dozen over there, hurry up and dig them down, otherwise they will be gone again."

Feng Ling raised his eyebrows when he heard it, this is to find new winter bamboo shoots.

Feng Ling strode over and followed Luo Bi to count the winter bamboo shoots found.

Wu Cheng was envious: "So many."

It's not his, but Wu Cheng was excited.

Feng Ling's face, which always kept his emotions, showed a trace of joy. He opened the storage ring, took out the small hoe and said: "If half of these contain spiritual energy, it will be enough for our family to eat."

Jiang Yixin stepped over and said: "Eating too much can't extend life, it can only supplement nutritional energy. Half is not a small amount. One winter bamboo shoot per person is enough to extend life."

As he spoke, the Thunder Flame Warrior started to dig winter bamboo shoots, cleared the snow, and started digging with the hoe.

Luo Bi stood aside, staring at the bamboo shoots with her beautiful eyes, muttering: "Don't dig them out. If there is no spiritual energy in the bamboo shoots, it will be a waste of work."

Wu Cheng didn't like it and waved his hoe and said: "How is it possible? Don't talk nonsense."

Luo Bi retorted: "Can I say that the spiritual energy contained in it is gone?"

Wu Cheng couldn't get back. The Thunder Flame Warriors moved quickly. Feng Ling and Jiang Yixin dug a few times and found that the bamboo shoots they dug contained spiritual energy. It was hard to tell how much spiritual energy there was, but it definitely contained spiritual energy.

The Thunder Flame Warriors were overjoyed and used the hoe more carefully. After a while, Feng Ling and Jiang Yixin dug the bamboo shoots.

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