Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4652: There is still wealth

Luo Bi took out a bamboo basket to put the winter bamboo shoots. What she found was naturally hers.

She didn't want to share these winter bamboo shoots. Luo Bi wouldn't take the ones Wu Cheng and Jiang Yixin found.

Wu Cheng dug the winter bamboo shoots one step later. That one also contained spiritual energy, but it was smaller, about a little more than one pound, and plump. The other two winter bamboo shoots weighed two pounds.

"Three." Luo Bi happily calculated in her mind, and said with a smile: "Including the one I dug, there are four winter bamboo shoots that contain spiritual energy. The rest don't contain spiritual energy."

If there are more that contain spiritual energy, it will be a pleasant surprise.

Feng Ling was in a good mood. At least, this number of winter bamboo shoots was enough for Luo Bi to eat, and there were some left. No one would have too much of good things. Feng Ling still valued the ingredients that contained spiritual energy.

Feng Ling and Jiang Yixin went to dig winter bamboo shoots again. They were worried about the loss of spiritual energy, so they were careful and tried not to damage the ingredients.

"Oh my god." Wu Cheng was surprised and delighted. He hurriedly took the small hoe and dug another one: "Don't all the winter bamboo shoots we found contain spiritual energy?!"

Luo Bi was happy. Neither Wu Cheng nor Jiang Yixin asked for winter bamboo shoots. That was good. She didn't want to share them with the two of them.

In half an hour, several people dug up all the winter bamboo shoots that Luo Bi found. There were eleven winter bamboo shoots in total. All of them contained nutritional energy, but one contained little spiritual energy.

Among them, Wu Cheng also found a winter bamboo shoot by himself. It was not big, so he dug it up in one piece. The spiritual energy contained was very low.

Eleven winter bamboo shoots filled a bamboo basket, and each one was plump.

Luo Bi was very happy. Wu Cheng took the winter bamboo shoots and prepared to put them in the bamboo basket. Luo Bi stopped him: "You found them yourself. You can take them. You don't have to give them to me. This bamboo basket is enough for our family."

Wu Cheng paused: "I want what I found."

Luo Bi knew Wu Cheng's concerns and smiled: "Whoever finds them can take them. I won't give them to you."

"Don't give them to me, don't give them to me." Wu Cheng didn't want Luo Bi's winter bamboo shoots.

Luo Bi said whoever finds them can take them. This made Jiang Yixin and Wu Cheng very happy. When they saw that Luo Bi had dug up all the winter bamboo shoots, they hurried to find winter bamboo shoots. Their luck was average, and it would be fine if they could find one with spiritual energy.

Luo Bi gave up the task. Feng Ling pressed the communication and asked Luo Jie and others to come and find winter bamboo shoots.

His family had enough winter bamboo shoots to eat, and they were rich. Whether Luo Jie, Wen Yao and others could find one with spiritual energy depended on their luck. Feng Ling hung up the communication and found another winter bamboo shoot to dig.

At this time, Roger was stunned in the open space of gravel.

"Winter bamboo shoots with spiritual energy?" Roger felt a little mysterious. He found spiritual melons before, and now he found winter bamboo shoots. Roger was surprised and delighted: "Oh my God."

"What's going on?" Wei Yu said to him: "You are so surprised."

When Roger told the situation that winter bamboo shoots contained spiritual energy, the governor Pei Jing and others were stunned for a moment, and then they set off to the bamboo forest. Oh my god, another surprise.

One excitement a day, who can bear it.

However, this excitement is good.

The Leiyan warriors were full of excitement. When they arrived at the bamboo forest, they saw that Jiang Yixin and Wu Cheng had already dug it up. Luo Bi was guarding a bamboo basket covered with animal skins to keep warm.

Hua Ran went over and opened it. There were inhalations all around.

No one cared about anyone else, and they all looked for winter bamboo shoots.

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