Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4656 Upgrade after coming to Blazing Star

Wu Cheng and his friends searched about half an acre of land and found a few winter bamboo shoots.

Wu Cheng found one that contained spiritual energy: "My winter bamboo shoot contains spiritual energy."

The little Thunder Flame Warrior was very surprised, and Luo Bi and Feng Ling went to see it.

Okay, there is no need to set up a formation now. The winter bamboo shoots are not gone. It depends on whether you can dig them up.

Feng Ling called Luo Jie, and soon, Luo Jie, Wen Yao and others came to the bamboo forest. Everyone had eaten, and they were worried that Jiang Yixin and others would be hungry, so they brought barbecue.

Feng Ling asked Luo Bi: "The barbecue has just been grilled, do you want to eat something?"

Luo Bi shook her head: "No."

Jiang Yixin is a foodie, and there is no time when he doesn't eat. He cut a piece of barbecue to eat. Wu Cheng saw that he had a good appetite, and he was jealous, so he cut a piece of barbecue to eat.

Luo Jie and He Yun had already dispersed to find winter bamboo shoots. If they were lucky, they would find a winter bamboo shoot quickly.

Unfortunately, it does not contain spiritual energy, but the Thunder Flame Warriors do not mind, after all, it contains nutritional energy, which is higher than the nutritional energy planted by the planters. It is luck to dig one, so who would mind?

Now it is good, everyone has a job, looking for bamboo shoots and digging bamboo shoots.

For several days in a row, the team has been wandering around in this bamboo forest.

After eating two winter bamboo shoots, the Thunder Flame Warriors are reluctant to eat them. These are just enough, unless there are new ingredients containing spiritual energy, otherwise, eating more is just to supplement nutritional energy, it is better to take it back to the family.

Luo Bi and Feng Ling dug a lot of winter bamboo shoots, without Luo Bi mentioning, Feng Ling took out a winter bamboo shoot containing spiritual energy for Luo Bi to eat every day. If he was not worried that Luo Bi would get tired of it, Feng Ling would be willing to eat a few.

Feng Ling has a long life, so he is not worried. What he cares about most is Luo Bi's life.

As for Luo Bi's parents, two winter bamboo shoots are enough. If not enough, it depends on whether Luo Bi eats the remaining winter bamboo shoots that contain spiritual energy. If there are more, one winter bamboo shoot will be given to Luo Hang and his wife, and if there are fewer, they will continue to be kept for Luo Bi.

It is estimated that there will be no problem keeping them for a winter.

Hua Ran's luck is so bad that Feng Ling can't bear to look at it. It's good enough to find one with spiritual energy in a day, and take it home to his family? But forget it! Good luck has nothing to do with Hua Ran.

Even Luo Jie and others frowned when they saw Hua Ran. This, this is also a rare master.

"How did you treat it?" Luo Bi was speechless. When he went back, he took a winter bamboo shoot containing spiritual energy from his own bamboo basket and gave it to Hua Ran: "I'll give you a small one."

Hua Ran was silent. He really had nothing to say, and took the winter bamboo shoot.

In fact, he had eaten enough winter bamboo shoots, and it was okay not to eat it, but Luo Bi gave it to Hua Ran, and there was no reason for Hua Ran to refuse it. In the past few days, those with strong innate genes have successively improved their combat level.

Wen Xiao's physical fitness is not as good as Feng Ling's, and his combat power has not improved.

Back on the spaceship, Wen Xiao said to Feng Ling and his brother Wen Yao: "My combat power has shown signs of breakthrough."

Feng Ling and Wen Yao looked at each other and took it seriously. Luo Bi didn't say anything. When Feng Ling and Wen Yao were no longer around, she went over to poke Wen Xiao's lungs: "Li Feng's combat power has always shown signs of breakthrough, but it was not until he arrived at Chixing that he was upgraded."

Wen Xiao's joy stagnated immediately. Luo Bi counted on her fingers and calculated for Wen Xiao: "Your combat power only shows signs of breakthrough. It will probably take until next winter to upgrade the combat level."

Wen Xiao didn't like to hear this, and said to her: "Go find Feng Ling to play."

Luo Bi didn't go to find Feng Ling. She picked up the bamboo basket and counted the winter bamboo shoots that contained spiritual energy.

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