Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4657 That's Enough

Luo Bi dug the winter bamboo shoots that contained spiritual energy, but she did so silently.

This thing is a rare ingredient, and Luo Bi always likes to make a fortune quietly. Everyone dug winter bamboo shoots together, and whoever dug more would be happy. Luo Bi dug more, and she counted them. Not counting the ones she ate, her harvest was not small.

She took one out to count, and this winter bamboo shoot that contained spiritual energy was the ingredient for the evening.

Eleven winter bamboo shoots that contained spiritual energy were collected, and there were more than a dozen without spiritual energy. Each winter bamboo shoot was plump and good in appearance, and it was pleasing to look at.

Luo Bi wanted to eat this, but there were ones that contained spiritual energy, and eating those that only had nutritional energy was like a loss.

So, keep it, don't eat it.

There was a small winter bamboo shoot that contained spiritual energy, and Luo Bi also threw it to Hua Ran.

Eleven winter bamboo shoots that contained spiritual energy were enough. Luo Bi had a bottom line for harvest, and she knew this number of winter bamboo shoots.

If she dug up another winter bamboo shoot that contained spiritual energy, she would eat it and not keep it.

She and Feng Ling dug a lot, so they would suffer a lot if they didn't.

The team from Zhihuang Star came to set up a formation to make a planting furnace. They didn't say anything and refused to go back. General Qi Lan was puzzled. After asking, he found out what was going on. It turned out that they were all improving their combat power on Zhixing.

General Qi Lan thought about it for a while and didn't stop them. This time, the Thunder Flame Warriors had a lot of gains on Zhixing. If they could take the opportunity to improve their combat power, they would save the military from providing resources. This would be better. If they didn't want to come back, then they didn't have to come back.

Bai Nanfeng was thinking a lot, so he immediately called Feng Zixun and asked: "It's the end of June, why haven't the team come back yet?"

Feng Zixun had a lot of gains on Zhixing, and didn't say much, just said: "I got a winter bamboo shoot with spiritual energy. I'll give you one when I go back. The team will stay on Zhixing for a while."

"Winter bamboo shoots with spiritual energy." Bai Nanfeng was surprised, and said calmly: "It's rare."

Bai Nanfeng never mentioned that Feng Zixun came back, so Feng Zixun knew what was going on. He hung up the call and thought about it.

In the kitchen area, Li Feng ordered the guards to prepare the ingredients. There was also a little imperial concubine pig. They didn't keep it, but cleaned it up and ate it. It was so hard to clean it up. The wounds of the imperial concubine pig were all sandy.

Jiang Yixin grinned. He had never disliked earth-related abilities. After all, he had a good relationship with Li Feng. Li Feng had earth-related abilities. Compared with other abilities, Jiang Yixin was more friendly to earth-related abilities.

As a result, Jiang Yixin said to the guards while cleaning up the imperial concubine pig: "We shouldn't let earth-related abilities kill monsters. There is dirt all over the meat. How many times should we clean it to make it not disgusting!"

The Wu family guards collapsed on the side, "Ouch", and their teeth hurt so much about the dirt on the pork.

The dirt on the pork was not easy to clean, and it was painful to cut it off. Wu Cheng was watching the fun on the side, and ran back to the spaceship after a while. He was young, so he didn't have to clean the pork, and he just had to wait to eat it.

Luo Bi took the bamboo shoots to the kitchen area, and Li Feng took them happily. There were still a few bamboo shoots on the grill, and there must be some for Jiang Yixin. It was impossible to ask a foodie to control his mouth.

Luo Bi was curious about other people's harvests. Feng Ling and others were drinking tea in the living room. Luo Bi walked over. Feng Ling and Qin Yilang did not talk about military affairs, but just chatted. Luo Bi sat next to Feng Ling, and Feng Ling glanced at him.

Luo Bi hesitated for a moment and asked Bai Yan: "How many bamboo shoots did you dig?"

Luo Bi was not familiar with Bai Yan, but this kind of aristocratic family child was very cunning, so it was estimated that it would be useless to ask.

Bai Yan said casually: "I dug two bamboo shoots that contained spiritual energy."

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