Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5013: Like the Princess of the God of War

The college teams on Shatu Star are mainly composed of students from the junior school district, but the college teams on several planets on Qingyao Star are very powerful.

On the hunting ground, the killing was fierce.

The bottom-ranked teams like the Douzhan Team can only watch the fun, and they have nothing to do.

The children were busy with breakfast in the morning, and took the opportunity to swipe the small optical computer and marveled. Zhu Qiqi's heartbeat quickened with envy, staring at the hunting scene on the star network, wishing that his heart would jump out.

"They are like the princesses of the God of War, beautiful and dazzling." Zhu Qiqi's eyes were full of stars, and she looked at the small optical computer with a clear look: "I wish I had half the talent of Lan Heng and Xue Wan."

"Her title fairy yarn battle dress is so beautiful, and she looks like a fairy." Huang Xinling was more than envious, her eyes were red with jealousy, and she said to Zhu Qiqi and others: "When my talent contract master level is improved, I will also become a princess-level talent contract master."

The little pottery jar was not to be outdone, and she stood on tiptoe: "I want to be a princess too."

Huang Xinling was the most talented in the fighting class, and she snorted with her nose turned up to the sky.

This is because she was not convinced, and she didn't think the little pottery jar had this ability. For this reason, the two little girls were very unhappy early in the morning, and the others were too lazy to intervene. No one cared if they didn't grab the frame.

If it escalates to pulling hair, they have to be pulled apart.

After all, these two are the treasures of the fighting class.

Several of the top ten college teams were so good at collecting supplies. Every day, they hunted no less than a legion combat team, and they also broadcast live on the Star Network every day. I don’t know how many people envied them, and they were jealous.

Especially the college teams, the talented students were excited, thinking that they were not bad, but they were in a bad team, otherwise, they would be the ones who stole the show.

On the Star Network, there was a lot of noise.

Each team was on a different planet. Most of the top ten teams went to the Qingyao Galaxy. Generally, hunting teams rarely went to the Qingyao Galaxy. On the screen, they all saw the shock of hunting.

Various offensive defense shields, array plates, array devices, and various jade swords emerged in an endless stream. Energy liquids, energy stones, and spiritual medicines were in short supply, which showed the strength of the top ten teams of several colleges.

A group of teams left the rocky mountain one after another and went to the familiar hunting ground.

In the hunting ground, the talented students were restless after taking a look at the small optical computer. They always wanted their team to climb up and kick one of the top ten teams down. The reason was simple, just to show off.

Unfortunately, they just thought about it.

Because it didn't rain at night, the fighting team had no surprises that day. They fooled the sand bulls one by one in the gathering place of the fighting team. Luo Bi didn't throw fried peppers and fried peppercorns. Sometimes, after talking for a long time, no sand bulls came out, and the sand pit was empty.

Sometimes, if you are lucky, you can fool the sand bulls and a calf beast will come out.

This will be busy. The little thunder and flame warrior rushed forward with a cry. Luo Bi took a look and silently calculated that the energy liquid and energy stone should be used sparingly. There was only one, and it took half an hour to hunt.

As expected, the little thunder and flame warrior fought for half an hour before killing the calf beast.

It didn't rain for two consecutive days. Every day, the team could harvest 500 prey by fooling the sand bulls. Not counting the fractions and the harvest of the guards, they barely had 30,000 interstellar coins a day.

Anyway, they are not at the bottom anymore, and they have jumped out of the pit of the bottom ten.

Of the nearby college teams, only the Qingyao Team and the Bird of Prey Team in the junior school area are strong, and the other teams are just supporting roles. (End of this chapter)

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