Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5014: Everyone wakes up early

The gifted students care about the honorable status, while the Thunder Flame Warriors value the benefits that the Talented Contract Master Academy gives to the class.

After two days, the junior school district teams on Shatu Star only envied the senior school district teams. There were also junior school district teams on other planets. Compared with the powerful academy teams, they all became active in collecting supplies.

A week after arriving on Shatu Star, it rained this morning.

The people of the Fighting Team heard the sound of rain and got up early. Looking at the rain, they secretly wanted to rush to the hunting ground to kill a group. As a result, the other teams got up not late and also prepared to go to the hunting ground.

"Why did they get up early too?" Bai Juan was unhappy.

Zhu Su glanced at the team preparing breakfast nearby and guessed: "It's because of your Fighting Team getting up early. You get up early every day, and the other academy teams can't wait."

The academy team followed suit and got up early, and the hunting team and mercenary group on the rocky mountain also planned to get up early to hunt.

"Oh, what should I do?" The child was worried.

If they all go to the hunting ground, how can the fighting team kill another group? No one dares to talk about it.

Wen Xiao simply said: "Just let it go."

It was a waste of time to get up early. Now they all get up early to hunt, so the fighting team is not in a hurry. Zhu Su stepped on the rain to go to other hunting teams, brought back a mallard, and threw it to Wu Cheng to clean up.

"Eating mallard again?" Luo Bi didn't wait for Huang Xinling to speak. She saw the mallard and immediately lost her appetite.

The meat of this thing is so hard that it can't be chewed. Her cheeks can't stand it.

It's not that she's picky, it's really that she can't bite her jaw.

Zhu Su raised his eyebrows. This is the prey he provided. He is picky about eating for free. He can't manage the whole team to eat the exotic beasts with good meat. The meat of the exotic beasts on Shatu Star is average. If you want to eat good ones, you have to spend some time.

This mallard weighs more than 30 kilograms, which is just enough to eat.

Wen Xiao sighed, opened the snack box he brought, and took out a few packets of snacks for Luo Bi: "You can make do with this morning meal first, I'll see if I can hunt a Moo Beast tonight."

Luo Bi took it and said to Wen Xiao: "I've had enough snacks too."

Wen Xiao chuckled: "I don't have anything I want to eat."

Luo Bi gave Wen Xiao two packets of food she didn't like, and kept the dried fish for herself: "Here, I don't like this."

Wen Xiao didn't say he didn't want to eat, this woman even had enough snacks, so he might as well eat with her.

Wen Xiao only took one packet: "Eat sparingly, ask your captain later, how many days you have to stay before you leave, the more you eat, the less snacks you eat. If you don't eat sparingly, you will have no snacks left after you finish eating them."

Luo Bi stuffed another packet to Wen Xiao: "It's not a big deal."

Wen Xiao stayed with her on the Sand Planet. Although it was Feng Ling's arrangement, Wen Xiao's family background was not low, and Luo Bi couldn't not even have this little bit. It was not a loss to share some good things with Wen Xiao.

She is a member of the Fighting Team, but Wen Xiao is not. The Fighting Team still relies on Wen Xiao to support them.

Luo Bi is not here to show off, Wen Xiao took it and ate it all.

As for when to leave and finish the mission?

Luo Bi thought that they would not stay for long. The Fighting Team had no strength, so the length of time they stayed on the Sand Planet was not important. As long as they were not in the bottom ten, they could finish the mission immediately.

Anyway, in these few days, Xue Zhijiao should lead the team back to the Emperor Star.

The teams that stayed to continue hunting were all powerful teams, and they had to stay.

The reason why the Fighting Team did not leave was that they valued the Sand Cattle.

"I don't like to eat Mallard!" Huang Xinling was angry.

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