Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5017: Extremely disappointed

Mou Xu turned around, but Luo Bi had no time to respond to him.

Looking around, there was a lot of fighting in the hunting grounds, and almost all of the gathering places were incompetent.

That's it, he didn't even pay attention to them. Luo Bi was panicked. The owl beast was like a hill, and the vines lifted Bai Juan, Pei Yang, Huang Xinling, Zhu Qiqi, and Wang Haozhe up.

There was only one left to go, so I looked quickly and caught a glimpse of a small clay pot on the sand.

What to do?

Luo Bi didn't think she had anything to do. The Thunder Flame Warriors were too far away and she couldn't even call people over in time. The team collecting supplies around them was also strange. They all walked farther this time, so everyone kept their distance.

It's no use saying all this.

To put it bluntly, even if the Thunder Flame Warriors are here, there is nothing they can do to deal with the birds and beasts with wings and special powers. Unless they have an array array device, they will just stare at them.

There is something to rely on even if you stare, Luo Bi is even more helpless.

"Clay pot." Luo Bi quickly arranged loudly: "Go and call the Thunder Flame Warrior."

The pottery pot sat on the ground dumbly without moving. Luo Bi was most annoyed by the chain falling off at critical moments, so she shouted loudly: "Tao Cui, get up quickly and call the Thunder Flame Warrior."

The clay pot still hasn't moved. Now we have to race against time, and Luo Bi doesn't count on her anymore.

"Nima, what's the use?" Luo Bi scolded.

There was no one she didn't count on, and there was one person who was breathing heavily, but it didn't work.

Robbie was disappointed.

Looking at the buzzard beast again, it is as big as a small mountain and is only smaller than the buzzard beasts Luo Bi has seen in the past. It does not fly high and covers the ground. It flies slowly and its eyes are looking for small prey on the ground.

When I saw a sand cow, I lowered my head and picked up the sand cow to eat.

It's crunchy, just like eating jelly beans.

"Tell Mou Xu to call the Thunder Flame Warriors." Bai Juan couldn't break away from the vines and shouted towards the ground.

Mixed with Huang Xinling's scream: "Uuuuuuu... I will never go on a mission again."

Crying so hard, Luo Bi didn't hear clearly what Bai Juan was shouting.

Luo Bi wanted to kick this kind of mess, but she couldn't care about it at the moment, and quickly took something from the storage bracelet. The owl beast didn't like to eat sand cow, so she used the sand cow to hang the bird beast, and it flew away with greed. not tall.

The one with wings flew high, and Luo Bike was really helpless.

"Robi..." Zhu Qiqi and Wang Haozhe also cried.

"I'm going to the hunting ground to call for someone." Mou Xu said in a sweet voice, and the child knew that he rushed forward just to give the owl beast another small pendant.

Or, give him a paw.

The little Leiyan warrior couldn't even hold a claw in front of the behemoth.

"Don't go yet." Luo Bi stopped him again and quickly threw out a small handful of fried chili peppers and fried Sichuan peppercorns. Then he gave the child Mou Xu a small sandbag: "This is an array weapon. Throw the sandbags out and try to attack." "

In times of danger, the formation weapon is what you rely on. The child was unequivocal, waving a foot-long small jade sword, ran closer, raised a small sandbag and attacked the low-flying owl beast.

The small sandbag was very small, just like scratching an itch. It hit the otter beast's wings and fell to the ground.

Luo Bi panicked: "Is this an array device??!!!"

No matter what, there is no time to waste at this moment, just think about one thing and say the same thing first.

Luo Bi pointed towards the fried Sichuan peppercorns and peppers, and hurriedly shouted to Bai Juan and Pei Yang who were struggling to get away: "We can't let the owl beast fly high or fly away. I sprinkled fried peppers and fried Sichuan peppers. You guys Fool the Shatu Niu.”

The owl beast was attracted by the sand cow. It was left alone in the hunting ground and insisted on eating jelly beans.

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