Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5018: Birds and beasts with supernatural powers

In that case, let it eat.

You can fool it for a while, but what else can you do? Once the owl and the beast fly up, no one can do anything.

The fighting team just got rid of the title of the last, and they are going to take away half of the pot. Luo Bi still has the leisure to think about all kinds of things. Let's be at the bottom in the future. It's better than taking the whole pot, but it's the fate of being the last.

Bai Juan pretended to be calm when he heard it, his little face turned pale, and he turned to Pei Yang and said: "Fooling the sand bull."

Huang Xinling and the others couldn't be counted on. Bai Juan and Pei Yang opened their mouths and shouted: "Lao Lao Lao Lao, your mother is here, she bought you rock sugar, Lao Lao Lao Lao, your mother is here, she bought you rock sugar..."

As the child muttered, the sand bulls coughed one by one in the place where the fried peppers and peppercorns were thrown before, and Aju Aju ran out, looking for rock sugar everywhere.

Luo Bi breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was raining, and the sand bulls were easy to fool.

The owl was flying slowly, chirping happily: "Chirp, chirp..."

The owl lowered its head to pick up the sand bull to eat. The bird was flying in the air like a small hill. It flew slowly, picking up the sand bull while eating, and now it has flown more than ten meters away.

This is not good, only the wings can be seen. Luo Bi grabbed Mu Xu's small jacket and chased after it.

There was a small hill in front, and the terrain was almost level with the flying owl. Luo Bi was desperate, regardless of anything, and called the child to run up the hill, while running, showing the refined saliva bag to the child.

"I have another array device I made." Luo Bi briefly told the child the general situation: "The owl beast picked up the sand bull and couldn't fly away for a while. Let's try my array device first. If it doesn't work, call the Thunder Flame Warrior. The owl beast is huge, flies high and has superpowers. I'm afraid the Thunder Flame Warrior won't have a good way to deal with it. Let's try it first."

After that, Luo Bi ran and looked at the child: "Are you afraid? If you are not careful, we will be lifted up."

The child waved his hand, he was not afraid: "Try it."

Fortunately, the little Thunder Flame Warrior is much more powerful than the talented person.

Dense raindrops were falling, Luo Bi wiped the rain off her face, told the child how to use the array device she made, and pulled the child to run to the hill in one go.

This location is good, and the owl beast picking up the sand bull is right in front of you.

Luo Bi and Mou Xu were no longer short. Standing on the hill, they were as tall as the owl. The owl had sharp eyes, plain feathers, and a pretty head. It was scary to look at.

Luo Bi's heart skipped a beat, and Mou Xu stopped.

Huang Xinling hadn't seen Luo Bi and Mou Xu on the ground for a while, and was so exhausted from crying. He looked up and saw the two of them, and said aggrievedly, "You, where did you go just now, woo woo woo..."

Pei Yang also looked up, stopped muttering, and urged, "Go and call the guards!"

Luo Bi shook his saliva, "I'll call them right after I've tried the array device."

The children hanging on the wings of the owl were stunned, and they had expectations in their hearts. Huang Xinling felt much calmer. The owl continued to pick up the sand cattle on the ground with his head down, and didn't fly high, let alone Luo Bi and Mou Xu.

"Here you go." Luo Bi didn't hesitate and handed the spit bag to the child: "Hurry up."

The little Thunder Flame Warrior Mou Xu took the spit bag, took a bottle of energy liquid, and held the sword to introduce superpowers into the spit bag. The spit bag absorbed the superpowers, but it was still a spit bag, no change.

Since it can introduce superpowers, it must be a formation weapon, Luo Bi was very nervous.

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