Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5019 Let’s have dinner together

If this formation device is the same as the small sandbag, then it's over.

Luo Bi's heart was beating fast, and her palms were sweating.

The child's face was tense, and he held the sword in his little hand. He poked the saliva bag to attack the owl beast more than ten meters away from the hill. There were sand bulls on the ground one after another, and the owl beast didn't even raise its head.

The saliva bag didn't move at all, and didn't attack.

Luo Bi's beautiful eyes shrank. Whether it was Mu Xu or the child hanging on the owl beast, they all felt cold when they saw this situation. Huang Xinling was stunned for a moment, and then burst into tears.

"It doesn't work, this formation device doesn't work..."

Zhu Qiqi and Wang Haozhe followed and cried. Luo Bi calmed down and looked at the saliva bag in the child Mu Xu's hand. It was raining now, and maybe it was soaked in the rain and lost its attack power.

Putting this idea aside, Luo Bi quickly ordered a different method: "Mu Xu, put the saliva bag on the owl beast."

She refined the saliva bag, and the owl beast was eating, so it was okay to put the saliva bag on it.

Maybe, the owl beast could be pressed down from the air.

It would be OK to break its wings, damn.

Luo Bi was so anxious that she was getting angry.

"How do I put the saliva bag on it?" The child turned his head blankly.

Luo Bi poked with his hand: "Poke it with the small jade sword."

The child did as he was told, waving the one-foot-long small jade sword, and gestured at the saliva bag, and made a gesture in the air to put the saliva bag on the owl beast.

The saliva bag did not move, so it didn't work.

Luo Bi's mind came to her quickly, and she suggested: "You wear it."

The child Mou Xu was stunned when he heard this with a tense face, and looked up at Luo Bi in disbelief: "What?!"

"The spit bag is the child's eating bag, it's better to give it to you than to him." Luo Bi's mind raced, and he squatted down to get the spit bag, and without thinking twice, he quickly put the spit bag on Mou Xu.

Mou Xu was stunned, Luo Bi tidied the child up, stood up and said: "Okay, all right, quickly attack the owls and beasts, the sand cattle on the ground have almost eaten."

A one-and-a-half-year-old child is not shy to wear a spit bag, and children usually wear spit bags when eating.

Mou Xu was not shy, and waved the small jade sword with the spit bag to attack, and flew out a primary supernatural power attack, just like a small lightning like a wisp of wind, the attack power was not far, and did not even touch the feathers of the birds and beasts.

Luo Bi's heart skipped a beat. This was not enough. She leaned over and picked up the child. The child was obedient. Luo Bi said, "The right time, right place, and right people. It's OK. Try to attack again."

The little pendant Bai Juan was anxious and not so nervous anymore: "Don't try it. This array device doesn't work."

Huang Xinling cried, "Call the guards to accompany the team, wuwuwu..."

Only a few minutes later, Luo Bi was unwilling to give up. She poked the child in her arms. It didn't work. The array device was just like nothing. Luo Bi pointed out, "Your attack method is wrong."

The child turned his head and looked Luo Bi, Luo Bi was very nervous: "You know how to eat?"

The child nodded: "Yes."

Luo Bi imitated it and opened his mouth: "Like this, ah wu sip."

The child's eyes widened, turned to face the owl beast that flew away for a distance, carrying the rice bag, and opened his little mouth: "Awu..."

The saliva bag suddenly condensed into a stream of energy and blew out, heading straight for the owl beast that was picking up the sand cow. The owl beast was swept by a gust of wind and swayed. Bai Juan and Pei Yang's little faces turned pale, and Huang Xinling, Zhu Qiqi, and Wang Haozhe were scared and cried.

Luo Bi continued to give advice: "Pooh."

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