Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5021 Why are you being polite?

The thunder system is an offensive power with high lethality.

The child brought rice to Duodou, and the lethality shocked the Birds and Beasts Pendant and Luo Bi.

There was no way, except for a few of them, there was no one around.

There are a few birds and beasts in the sky not far away, but that doesn't count.

Therefore, it must be an array device.

The child Muxu has only basic combat power, how much combat power can he unleash? Sorry, neither Bai Juan nor Luo Bi has enough experience to estimate combat power.

The owl beast was left with half its life after being dealt with, and the person who carried the meal couldn't afford to offend him.

Unable to eat, I walked around, the birds and beasts chirped, flapped their wings, and flew away with difficulty.

It's strange that Luo Bi could let it go. Half of her family's fortune is tied to it. If she doesn't let go, she will leave. Luo Bi is definitely a ruthless person. She gave all her softness to humans. Humans think she is soft. It's okay. Take it easy.

Luo Bi is absolutely not merciless when it comes to strange beasts.

What's more, Luo Bi still holds grudges and likes to flip through small notebooks. Just now, this owl beast appeared so huge that it covered the sky and almost scared her to death. All the treasures of the fighting team were taken away by the bird beast. Luo Bi didn't. I can't explain it to the bishop.

Now that the owl beast is dying, why is Luo Bi so polite? !

Bird wants to run away? You have to let Luo Bi kick her enough.

Putting the child down, Luo Bi said: "Let's go, catch up and beat him."

The child nodded, swung his calves and ran: "Okay."

He was still chasing and beating him. If he didn't chase and beat him, he couldn't fly anymore. He staggered and struggled to fly, and he screamed in panic, and the wood power he released didn't work.

The vines loosened, and Bai Juan and Pei Yang fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the owl beast couldn't fly, and it was only three to five meters away from the ground, so it couldn't hurt the child.

Huang Xinling couldn't stop crying. She was soaked and her heart was cold. After watching a strange hunt, how could the little girl still have the heart to cry? She climbed up and looked at the bird that flew less than ten meters away with a confused look on her face. Owl beast.

It was less than ten meters away from her, but fifty meters away from the hill.

Luo Bi and her child Muxu hurriedly ran down the hill and ran to Bai Juan and the others. Luo Bi immediately made arrangements and pointed her hand: "Bai Juan, my other array device, the small sandbag is lost, you go and give it to me." Look for it, don’t let anyone pick it up.”

Bai Juan and Pei Yang were impressed, nodded in agreement, and ran to find the little sandbag.

Zhu Qiqi hurriedly asked Luo Bi: "What are you going to do?"

Luo Bi turned around and pointed bitterly at the owl beast not far away: "I'll take revenge on you."

Zhu Qiqi: “·······”

He suddenly felt that these two were so powerful!

They all dare to chase after birds and beasts.

"Don't go." Wang Haozhe said worriedly, and followed a few steps to stop.

Huang Xinling waved her fist: "Kill this bird."

Luo Bi ran away with the child Mou Xu, but the child was stunned and opened his mouth: "Ah, I ate you..."

Listen to this tune, Luo Bi likes to say this, this time the whine is broken, the owl beast Duotou is blocked by the wind element, can't fly, and chirps anxiously.

The child continued: "Bah, bah, bah..."

The water ball was thrown at the dying bird, and the cry of the bird was heard far away. This death cry was different from the usual bird calls, and it had been wrong since half an hour ago.

Among the strange beasts, the Thunder Flame Warrior finally realized something was wrong.

"Tweet, Tweet, Tweet..."

Looking sideways during the battle, the Thunder Flame warriors from other hunting teams glanced at him with calm expressions.

When Wen Xiao and others looked at the direction, their faces turned pale.

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