Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5022 Is it worth interstellar currency?

Wen Xiao's heart skipped a beat and he didn't care about anything else.

After leaving the battle circle, Wen Xiao ran towards the direction of the bird beast.

Huang Chao, Zhu Su and others looked unhappy. They followed Wen Xiao and ran with their hearts in their throats. They saw Bai Juan and Pei Yang were fine from a distance, and then they breathed a sigh of relief.

Wen Xiao didn't find Luo Bi, and Xue Zhijiao and Wu Cheng looked around, but they didn't see Mou Xu.

Before they could ask, they heard a "bang". Wen Xiao and others looked over, their pupils shrank, and saw the mountain-like bird beast hit the ground, the ground shook, and the bird beast died.

Everyone couldn't believe it, their expressions were shocked, and they ran over quickly.

Luo Bi was dumbfounded, dead just now? ! !

Suddenly it fell from the sky.

Mou Xu, a one-and-a-half-year-old kid who falsely reported himself as two years old, was also stunned by the sudden death of the owl. He just chased and beat it, but such a big bird died.

"Oh my God!" Wu Cheng said.

Zhu Su was a spirited Thunder Flame warrior, usually unruly, but now he had a dull face and his eyes were full of disbelief: "How did you kill such a big bird? ????"

All the hunters in this area combined couldn't kill such a bird.

It was almost as big as a small mountain, and the Thunder Flame warriors didn't dare to provoke it.

This was the one who spoke, Wen Xiao and Huang Chao were so shocked that they couldn't speak. Since the Thunder Flame warriors couldn't improve their combat power, hunting became very difficult. Who dared to hunt a owl? !

Luo Bi silently untied the bib and put it away.

Wen Xiao's eyes flashed, Luo Bi pointed at the dead owl on the ground and asked, "How to treat this? Is it worth interstellar coins?"

"Oh my god." Wu Cheng quickly poked the communication with shaking hands: "This is worth a lot of interstellar coins. I told the chief instructor, my God, our fighting team is awesome."

Xue Zhijiao was excited and lowered his head to dial the communication.

Bai Juan gave the small sandbag he picked up to Luo Bi, and Luo Bi put it away.

The commotion here was so loud that even the Leiyan warriors who were hunting in the group of strange beasts were alarmed. Although no one cared about the owl flying in the sky, the death of such a large bird and beast made the teams ready to move.

The hunters stopped hunting and ran over here.

In this world, the strong are respected, and killing people and stealing treasures on missions is common. A owl is enough to make people excited, especially the academy team on this mission. If they grab this owl, their ranking can be greatly improved.

Xue Zhijiao and Wu Cheng climbed up the Chi Niao beast to protect the prey. After being shocked, Wen Xiao and Zhu Su took the Bi Fei sword to protect the Chi Niao beast. Huang Xinling and Zhu Qiqi also climbed up the Chi Niao beast.

After hearing about it, the hunting teams nearby rushed here quickly.

Some forces looked at each other and became restless when they saw that the fighting team was made up of children and only the guards were strong. They looked at the Chi Niao beast like a hill, and greed flashed in their eyes.

"This is our prey." Huang Xinling put his hands on his waist, waved his little fleshy arm, and scolded: "Get away, stay away, my family is very powerful."

Some forces hesitated, but the college team knew that there was nothing to fear about the fighting team.

The Feiyang team came closer to several college teams. At this time, Xue Wei led the First Bird of Prey team to block in front: "This is not something you can covet. If you want prey to compete for a place, you can go hunting by yourself. This bird of prey belongs to the Fighting Team."

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