Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5023 Taking advantage of the situation

Several college teams hesitated, somewhat fearing Xue Ying's First Bird of Prey Team.

"The Fighting Team is just a bunch of kids." Zhang Yanlei stood up and said disdainfully: "You all saw how big this bird of prey is. Can a group of kids kill it? It's definitely not their prey. The Fighting Team picked it up."

"That's right, they are all little Thunder Flame Warriors." Someone immediately echoed.

Some of the college teams that retreated thought it was right and immediately became restless.

Zhang Yanlei continued to stir up trouble, and the woman from the Feiyang team who didn't like the Fighting Team would throw a word from time to time, and the surrounding teams couldn't help but want to grab it.

At this time, the Lin family guards rushed from the hunting grounds and set up their positions to protect the Fighting Team and the prey behind them. The Lin family members were ready one by one, all of which were the fighting power prepared by the head of the Lin family for his nephew.

After the Fighting Team left the Emperor Star, the Lin family members set off afterwards.

This team of Lin family guards thought they would not be used. They had been hunting on Shatu Star for some time. It was not good to be idle all the time. When they heard that someone was stealing the prey of the Dou Zhan team, the Lin family members rushed over in a hurry.

"Uncle!" Xue Zhijiao wiped his tears.

This time, the head of the Lin family sent the younger generation of the Lin family, Lin Yanchong's cousins. Lin Yanchong's students should call him uncle. At the critical moment, his family came, not to mention how moved he was.

Bai Juan and others saw it and wiped their tears. They were weak in the first place. Is it easy to hunt such a big prey? There are so many teams taking advantage of the fire.

This is bullying them because they are small, Huang Xinling cried.

"It's okay." The Thunder Flame Warrior of the Lin family felt bad. He stood in front and protected them tightly: "We are here, don't cry, no one can steal your prey."

Then, the little Thunder Flame Warrior of the Wu family brought his team to help.

The forces of all parties retreated, weighing the pros and cons in their hearts. What they feared was the families behind several families. In terms of combat power, they were outnumbered, and one person could scrape off a piece of owl meat.

The academy teams stopped hunting. There were about fifty academy teams in the entire Shatu Star.

These teams valued their rankings, and watched from the side, ready to take a bite of the owl. The teams that were on a mission in Shatu Star came one after another, and their forces were increasing, which was very unfavorable to the fighting team.

At this time, Xue Zhijiao turned on the big screen.

Everyone looked up, and the lieutenant general of the Talented Contract Master Academy appeared on the big screen. He glanced at the owl and said, "Don't worry about the children's things, let's go!"

These words sounded gentle, and the lieutenant general of the academy didn't have a cold face, but the hunting teams of the various families understood that if they dared to rob, they would be enemies with the Talented Contract Master Academy.

Who dares! Will we not use energy liquid and spiritual medicine in the future? !

Xue Zhijiao turned off the big screen. For a moment, all the teams had different thoughts. They were unwilling to leave, but also a little afraid. However, the college team was not afraid. They exchanged glances with each other and prepared to secretly start.

"It was clearly picked up, so we should share it equally." Someone fanned the flames.

"This owl has superpowers. It must be at the level of magic crystal."

"Magic crystal is rare."

The Talented Contract Master College is biased. As long as their class is strong, they are not afraid of being scolded when they go back. The teams from each college are talking to each other, and they are all good at making trouble.

Xue Yi is familiar with these college teams. He knows who is the best. He said, "Have some shame."

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