Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5044: Still making trouble

At this time, He Tang, the lieutenant general-level financial officer of Emperor Star, was still counting the prey, and he thought it was time to rest.

Luo Bi yawned, and everyone dispersed. She and Zhu Qiqi and other children went back to the spaceship to sleep.

Xue Yu woke up from a nap, and then he was sad again. Lan Ji was worried about him and slept in the same tent with him. Seeing this situation, he had to send someone to ask for soul-calling.

The gifted student was delicate, so he had to wake up Mu Xu.

Several people moved to the living room. Wen Xiao and Zhu Su heard the noise and came to the living room.

The child Mu Xu called Xue Yu's soul again. After a while, everything was fine, so Mu Xu went to sleep. Lan Ji and Xue Zhijiao hurriedly sent Xue Yu back to the tent as if they were serving their ancestors. Xue Zhijiao didn't dare to leave, and they slept together.

Zhu Su sat on the sofa in the living room without moving. Wen Xiao walked a few steps and turned back: "Are you not going to bed yet?"

Zhu Su did not move, knocking on the table and said: "I am sure that Xue Ying will do something naughty again."

That was none of their business, Wen Xiao went to sleep.

Not long after, Lin Yanchong and the two lieutenant generals of the Emperor Star returned to the Rock Mountain. They were all high-ranking military officers. The head of the Lin family stayed at the prey side, guarding the two owls and beasts to prevent the prey from being robbed.

The soldiers arranged for dinner and tried not to make noise.

As Zhu Su expected, Xue Ying woke up again after a nap. Lan Ji and Xue Zhijiao accompanied Xue Ying to the living room. He Tang hissed with a toothache. This master was not finished yet.

Inwardly complaining, Lieutenant General Fengyao He Tang had to pretend to be a good person as an elder. He sat down next to Xue Ying and said in a gentle tone with a smile: "What? Do you still want to cry?!"

"Yes." Xue Ying was suppressing himself at first, but when He Tang asked, it was unbearable. Xue Ying threw himself on He Tang's legs and cried non-stop: "I just want to cry, what should I do..."

He Tang: "..."

You said he was really full and had nothing better to do. Why did he come here to pretend to be a good person?

Wouldn't it be better to stay far away? He was grabbed again.

Lin Yanchong saw this and turned away. He was a straightforward person, not stupid. He didn't want to join in the fun. Since he came to Shatu Star, the Thunder Flame Warriors hadn't eaten yet. He was tired and hungry, and he didn't have time to accompany Xue Ying to be pretentious.

Yes, in the eyes of a straightforward person like Lin Yanchong, Xue Ying was pretentious.

It's fine, no one is dead, why are you crying? !

Zhu Su helped to call Mou Xu and woke up the child. On the way, Zhu Su made an agreement with the child that Zhu Su would call back Xue Ying's soul, and they would share the reward equally when he got it back. The child agreed to it.

"Okay." The child jumped and said, "Can I go to sleep?"

Zhu Su nodded, "Yes."

Zhu Su had read it several times and knew how to call back the soul. He tried it once and the effect was almost the same as Mou Xu's.

Xue Zhijiao and Lan Ji didn't care. It didn't matter who called the soul, as long as Xue Ying could sleep well. They were not at home, they were all on a mission, who could stand it.

The reward was presented, and Zhu Su and Mou Xu shared it equally, and the child went to sleep.

Zhu Su didn't go to sleep. He strolled to the kitchen, brewed a pot of nutritious energy tea, brought it to the living room and waited for the next thank-you gift. He took a sip of tea: "Tsk, it contains nutritious energy and is fragrant."

Zhu Su couldn't afford it before and was reluctant to buy it. Now he has found a way to make money.

Catch Xue Ying and make the most of him.

Lin Yanchong and the lieutenant general all returned to the Rock Mountain. Wen Xiao and Huang Chao got up and watched Zhu Su earn a table full of good things. (End of this chapter)

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