Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5045 Waiting for gifts


Nonsense, the Thunder Flame Warriors are jealous.

But not everyone can earn interstellar coins by holding the cooking spoon.

The problem is that Zhu Su was worshipped by everyone around Xue Ying. He had to say good things when he was given gifts. Who made Xue Ying cry and they couldn't do anything? Zhu Su took a spoon and waited for the gift.

Zhu Su also had to share it with the child Mou Xu. The things were placed on the table. Huang Chao and others became more and more jealous.

Lan Ji and Xue Zhijiao were listless, and they were probably about to be possessed.

He Tang twisted his fingers and was a little jealous. How about he try it too? ! It's easy to earn interstellar coins. If it were him, he would definitely not only grab the little Thunder Flame Warriors, he would also grab a group of people in the Talented Contract Master Academy.

That night, he was restless. Bai Juan took several bottles of soothing elixirs to stabilize the restless strong genes. It was fine during the daytime hunting, but at night the child's strong genes suddenly became restless.

Lu Xianyu brought some spiritual medicine and stuffed more than a dozen bottles into the children.

There was also Mou Xu, the youngest child. He had killed two owls and beasts during the day, and his superpowers were greatly consumed. Because he was called up to call the souls, he did not rest well, and his strong genes became agitated.

Lin Yanchong watched over the child and used two bottles of first-grade soothing spiritual medicine.

After the soldiers had eaten, they went to bed one after another. In the morning, they had to take over the team of the head of the Lin family.

Xue Wei had just called the souls and had gone to bed.

Lin Yanchong saw that Mou Xu was asleep, came to the living room, and asked Zhu Su: "Are you not going to sleep?"

Zhu Su drank tea and sat in a chair leisurely and lazily: "I am so powerful now, I am not sleepy."

Lin Yanchong: "······"

No matter, Lin Yanchong ate something and went to rest.

Zhu Su went all out to get Xue Yi. He didn't sleep all night. Xue Yi woke up from sleep, woke up from sleep, and finally slept soundly. He slept soundly this time and cried hard in the morning.

Xue Yi cried loudly, and Lan Ji's nose was almost crooked with anger: "Brother, that's enough. I've given you everything in the storage ring. Do you think we should take out all the prey as a thank you gift?!"

Xue Yi covered his face and tears fell: "Don't worry about me... I just want to cry because I feel wronged..."

But what was he wronged about? Xue Yi couldn't say it.

Early in the morning, the teams from various colleges were preparing breakfast, and Xue Yi stayed in the living room crying, scaring the teams from various colleges to eat and leave quickly. Who could stand this? It would be quiet after going down the rocky mountain.

The fighting team had the chief instructor Lin Yanchong and the main instructor Lu Xianyu. They were spoiled, didn't have to hunt, got up late, and could only listen to Xue Ying crying. Bai Juan and the others grilled meat and vegetables, and Xue Zhijiao accompanied Xue Ying.

Mu Xu ran to the living room and shared the gifts with Zhu Su.

Huang Xinling was jealous, and Zhu Su was not stingy and gave Huang Xinling a share.

Now everyone was happy, but Xue Ying was not well yet and continued to cry.

Lan Ji couldn't stand it anymore, watching the table of food and gifts being divided up, and said: "This is not okay, you have received all the gifts, but Xue Ying still wants to cry, can't you three come together and think of a way?!"

Zhu Su took the cooking spoon: "Or, call for the soul again?"

Lan Ji: "······"

"Do you want a gift?" Xue Zhijiao asked tentatively.

If you don't want a gift, call for the soul again.

Zhu Su smiled, pretended not to hear, and sorted out the things that were divided.

Xue Zhijiao pursed his lips, he wanted more gifts.

Mou Xu was not a stingy person, after sharing the delicious food, Dada ran to Luo Bi and shared the food he thought was delicious with Luo Bi, so cute and adorable. (End of this chapter)

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