Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5167 This temper

Luo Bi smiled and said "hmm" obediently.

Feng Ling went out and drove the military suspension luxury car directly to the fighting squad's material warehouse. The sky cleared up. Feng Ling arrived at the material warehouse, got off the suspension car and closed the door. This material warehouse used by the fighting team was very lively.

The financial officer He Tang and Lieutenant General Bai Xun were stunned when they saw Feng Ling. After asking Lin Yanchong, they found out that Luo Bi's husband was Feng Ling.

The two lieutenant generals were even more surprised.

"It's so low-key." He Tang said to Lieutenant General Bai Xun.

Lieutenant General Bai Xun had nothing to say. He really didn't expect that Luo Bi was Feng Ling's wife.

If it was any other woman, she would have told others from the beginning. Luo Bi didn't even mention that her husband was Feng Ling. This temper didn't seem to be pretended, but it was hard to say.

Feng Ling was tall and handsome, and greeted the two lieutenant generals.

Financial officer He Tang mentioned the hunting to Feng Ling. If Feng Ling wanted a share, General Xiao Chi could only reluctantly give up a share. Feng Ling obviously didn't mean to do that, and just listened.

"I'll share Luo Bi's share of ingredients." Feng Ling said.

Financial officer He Tang said with a smile: "What prey do you want?"

The pigs and birds and beasts of the concubines were all dealt with. The soldiers cleaned up the prey very cleanly and were still busy at this time. Feng Ling took a look and waited for the children Bai Juan and others to come and divide the meat.

There was a certain amount of meat to be divided. Naturally, you have to choose what kind you want.

Bai Juan and the other children looked at the meat greedily and chose it very seriously. The children liked to gnaw on bones, but it was not cost-effective to bring bones, and there was not much meat. The children were hesitant and followed Feng Ling to see what ingredients Feng Ling wanted.

What kind could Feng Ling want? Luo Bi also likes to gnaw on bones.

This is easy to say. The financial officer He Tang decided to give each family ten kilograms of Jieyu pork, ten kilograms of bird wings, bird legs, ribs, etc., all of which were free, and they were all the best ribs.

Two pig trotters for each child, and Feng Ling was given five pig trotters.

The children were happy and giggling, whispering to each other. Pei Yang said, "Give us two pig trotters."

Bai Juan smiled and nodded, "Free."

Mu Xu also nodded, "Free."

Wu Cheng carried the pig trotter and grinned, "Go back and stew the pig trotter."

The children were discussing how to eat together, and their saliva was flowing out. Feng Ling said hello and left.

Feng Ling carried the things into the door and stepped onto the large balcony. Jiao Yan's eyes did not move when she saw Feng Ling. When she came to her senses, she pretended to tidy up her hair. Jiao Cheng was talking to someone with a communicator, and her eyes followed.

Chi Ran was cleaning the kitchen and took the initiative to greet Feng Ling: "Are you out?"

Feng Ling said "hmm", put the ingredients in the refrigerator, took out the bones and meat for a meal, went to the bedroom to say hello to Luo Bi, and drove the hover car to the underground city.

After Feng Ling went out, Jiao Yan asked Chi Ran curiously: "Are you familiar with each other?"

Chi Ran laughed: "We just met."

Jiao Yan had a calculating look on his face, and Chi Ran continued to clean the kitchen happily. Jiao Cheng hung up the call and shook the communicator to look at Chi Ran with disdain, saying that he couldn't even cook and wasted the ingredients.

Jiang Zhi smiled and came to the balcony and joked: "Can we have fried food tonight?"

Chi Ran frowned, and Jiao Cheng laughed angrily.

Luo Bi had just returned from a mission, and the family had to prepare food. She came out of the bedroom, went to the balcony, picked a basket of wild vegetables, and prepared to steam them for the night.

She picked vegetables in the semi-open kitchen, and Jiang Zhi and the others were talking and laughing.

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