Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5168 She is very stingy

Jiang Zhi got along well with her new roommate and became friends with him.

Jiao Yan sat lazily on the chair, her posture was very elegant, and she said with a smile: "Chi Ran, you can't even cook, and you still say you are good to my cousin, you can't do that."

Chi Ran was cleaning the cooking spoon, smiling with an embarrassed face: "I'm learning, I will definitely learn it soon."

Jiang Zhi encouraged Jiao Cheng: "Let's have cooking in the evening."

Jiao Cheng rolled his eyes at Chi Ran and laughed angrily: "I guess it's a waste of ingredients again."

Chi Ran was busy with his own things and felt very wronged. He just needed to practice, who could do everything at once. Jiao Cheng got up and walked on the big balcony, looking at the mountain view in the distance.

"Did you dig wild vegetables?" Jiao Cheng's eyes lit up.

Luo Bi: "······"

Oh no, this is because he likes to eat.

"I dug a little." Luo Bi said perfunctorily: "I like to eat wild vegetables."

"I like to eat them too." Jiao Cheng continued.

Luo Bi smiled: "The sand planet I went to is very barren, with few wild vegetables. It takes a long time to dig a handful."

Jiao Cheng lowered his head, looked at the wild vegetables and said: "The wild vegetables you dug are of good quality."

As the two talked, Jiang Zhi called Jiao Cheng.

Jiao Cheng walked away and returned to the leisure table.

Jiang Zhi whispered: "What are you talking about with her? She is very stingy and won't share wild vegetables with you."

"No way?" Jiao Cheng was surprised.

"She and I have lived in a dormitory apartment for so many years, and she has never given me anything." Jiang Zhi has always been upset because she didn't take any advantage of Luo Bi. She has never seen such a stingy person.

"Are you so unsociable?" Jiao Cheng couldn't believe it.

"You know it everywhere."

Jiang Zhi spoke to Jiao Cheng in a low voice. Luo Bi only took a glance and knew that Jiang Zhi had no good intentions.

After selecting the vegetables, Luo Bi took the wild vegetables to wash them and threw them into the sink. The rushing water kept washing the wild vegetables. Luo Bi went back to the bedroom to play. She looked down on Jiang Zhi's clean appearance.

Luo Bi would not remind Jiao Cheng, whether he wanted to listen or not, if he played well with Jiang Zhi, he had to be prepared to be fed and drank, and to suffer losses. Anyway, Tong Yiting could not beat Jiang Zhi, so it depended on whether the new roommate had the ability.

In the afternoon, Feng Ling came back from outside, and Jiao Yan stared at him again.

Feng Ling put down the things he bought and started to stew the bones. Jieyu pigs were not often eaten, so Feng Ling was not sure that it could be made delicious. He called Li Feng to ask, and then threw a section of level 5 ginseng grass into the pot.

Jiao Yan got up and strolled on the balcony. Jiang Zhi and Jiao Cheng both returned to their rooms.

Jiao Yan seemed to walk out of the kitchen unintentionally, with her hands behind her back and a ladylike look, and greeted: "Are you Luo Bi's husband? I see you've been busy all the time, what delicious food are you making?"

Feng Ling stared at the stew pot indifferently, considering what seasoning to put in: "Home-cooked dishes."

Jiao Yan waited for a while, Feng Ling obviously didn't want to pay attention to her, Jiao Yan had to smile and said: "My name is Jiao Yan."

Feng Ling said she knew, covered the pot and walked away, sat on a chair and dialed the phone, asking Zhan Yi how to eat the ingredients.

Jiao Yan was left here, pursed her lips, and returned to Jiao Cheng's table, with her chin slightly raised, very confident and arrogant, seeing Chi Ran on the big balcony, she asked someone to squeeze a glass of juice for her.

Jiao Cheng came out of the room and called Jiao Yan to the material warehouse. Jiang Zhi followed after hearing about it.

Chi Ran took the key of the hover car to send a few women. The teams of each class had just returned, and there were a lot of things to do such as counting materials. If you want to find a sense of existence, you have to go more often.

The dormitory apartment suddenly became quiet. Feng Ling carefully stewed bone soup and grilled meat. Luo Bi followed suit and was very attached to Feng Ling.

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