"Wash these partridge eggs with warm water, just dry them with a towel and put them in the incubator." Luo Bi made arrangements and was about to leave: "I'll go home and cook, and I'll be back in a while."

Washing raw eggs is not like washing small stones. You can put them in a basin and scrub them. These things will break if you touch them, so you must wash them one by one, and then dry them one by one.

Calculated according to such steps, it would take at least half an hour for the four of them, and Luo Bi had already calculated it.

"Come back soon, I really don't know anything about hatching." Hu Li sent Robbie out.

"Don't worry, I'll make some soup and come over."

Hu Li's mood is understandable to Luo Bi, it's nothing more than worrying that she can't do well, which is the case for anyone who is exposed to new things for the first time. Luo Bi is not a person who is proud of her talents. She promises to teach skills, and she will definitely do it. She trots home and cooks as soon as possible.

This dish of stewed chicken with ginseng and grass is definitely to be made. The energy wood is lit, the partridge chicken is stir-fried and stewed, and the ginseng and tree mushrooms are thrown in. Luo Bi is busy placing steaks and shrimp skewers on the grill, and Some vegetable skewers.

As soon as the grilled ingredients were placed, Feng Ling came back. Luo Bi briefly explained the situation to Feng Ling, and then said: "Keep an eye on the ingredients on the grill. I'll go to Hu Li's house to have a look."

Feng Ling nodded: "Go."

When Luo Bi arrived at Hu Li's house, Hu Li and Meng Chi were wiping the water off the partridge eggs. More than 800 of the 910 eggs had been wiped, and there were dozens of eggs left in the bamboo basket. I can wipe it off.

Luo Bi stood aside and took a look, Meng Chi asked, "Do you think this is okay?"

It doesn't matter if it works, Luo Bi said: "As long as it is washed with warm water and the eggshell is not damaged, it is fine."

As for other standards? Don't ask her, she is not a real incubator, how would she know. From Robbie's point of view, as long as the partridge can be hatched successfully, it doesn't matter how it is operated.

"Not a single eggshell is broken, and everything is fine." Hu Li answered.

Luo Bi nodded, and walked to the incubator with a small bamboo basket of dried partridge eggs. Hu Li hurried over to help.

After the work of wiping the eggs was completed, Meng Chi and two sergeants also came to help. In fact, it is not a big deal to put partridge eggs in the incubator. Meng Chi and Hu Li will know it after seeing it.

Hu Li needed to try her hand, so she handed the bamboo basket to one of the sergeants, and opened another incubator to put partridge eggs in it.

After placing the 910 partridge eggs, Luo Bi adjusted the light and temperature, and said to Hu Li: "Remember, the maximum temperature cannot exceed 39 degrees, and the minimum temperature cannot be lower than 36 degrees. According to this You can control the temperature by yourself.”

Hu Li remembered, and she asked, "What else should I pay attention to?"

Robbie glanced at her: "That's all, as long as you control the temperature and light, you don't have to stare at it all the time, you can do whatever you want."

Have so much peace of mind? Hu Li didn't believe it, and neither did Meng Chi. If eggs were so easy to incubate, and incubators weren't everywhere, they would be as scarce as they are now. But then Robbie stopped talking, and she had nothing to teach her.

"Ask her if you don't understand anything." Meng Chi had no choice but to tell Hu Li like this. As unreliable as Luo Bi, he doubted whether the partridge eggs in the incubator could hatch.

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