Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 547 You Can Count Interstellar Coins

What else can Hu Li do, she can only go to Luo Bi when she encounters a problem.

Meng Chi walked with Luo Bi, and stopped by Luo Bi's house, and handed over to Luo Bi the five plants of sixth-grade ginseng that Admiral Qi Lan had given her. Luo Bi went to see Feng Ling first. She wanted it, but she didn't know if she could.

Feng Ling took the ginseng grass and put it in Luo Bi's hands. Luo Bi was happy, and brought a jar of purple wine back to General Qi Lan.

It was just a jar of purple wine, which was far inferior to the five plants of grade six ginseng. Meng Chi reached out to pick it up without much thought, and left with two soldiers. Feng Ling didn't remind Meng Chi that the wine in his house was different from other people's, so he asked Luo Bi to wash his hands and have dinner after seeing him off. Today's dinner was later than usual.

Just after dinner, Wen Xiao called Qin Yilang and others to come to Luo Bi, not for anything else, just for the partridge. What Luo Bi gave them before was frozen to death, if you freeze to death, you will freeze to death! It hurts but it's not a big deal.

However, it is different now. Knowing that partridge chickens can improve the level of combat power, they pay more attention to them. No matter how difficult it is, they must be raised.

After the few people were seated, Wen Xiao was not polite to Luo Bi, and said, "Do you still have the newly hatched partridge chickens? Send us a few more!"

Luo Bi said lightly, "Didn't the previous ones all freeze to death? I'll give you a few more. Are you sure you can keep them alive? Besides, only partridge chickens are not enough to improve your combat power. High-grade ginseng can use interstellar ginseng." Buy it with coins, but purple wine? I suggest that you grow it yourself and brew it yourself."

The purple vine she planted herself knew in her heart that the ones grown in the nutritious soil of medicinal dregs ash might not be the same as those planted by others, and they were all her own. Luo Bi felt that it was necessary to remind her.

Feng Ling was thoughtful, and Li Feng waved his hand directly: "Just kidding, Leiyan fighters are not suitable for planting. How can we grow live purple grape trees? As long as the indoor temperature is solved, I can raise partridge chickens with confidence."

It is the matter of giving some water to the rice. It is much easier to raise than those rare bird breeders. Li Feng had never been in contact with it before and thought it was so mysterious. After raising it himself, he knew that partridge chickens are very easy to raise. It was frozen to death, and his partridge chickens were ready to lay eggs.

Li Feng didn't dare to think about planting purple grape trees, because Lei Yan warriors were not familiar with that field.

Qin Yilang leaned back in his chair, and said, "It's fine to plant purple grape trees. If you have young partridge chickens that have just hatched, you can give us a few of them, and they can be counted as interstellar coins."

"In a few days, there will be five hundred as long as they hatch, but..." Thinking that her purple grape tree has never been normal from germination to fruiting, Luo Bi said, "I advise you to plant purple grape trees yourself. I have a ready-made purple grape tree at home, if you want to plant it yourself, I can give you a few each."

Qin Yilang and the others were a little surprised. Generally, few people send out adult fruit trees. Once the fruit trees have passed the growth period, it is easier to manage them. Even if the Thunder Flame Warrior is not suitable for planting, it is not a big problem as long as you use some thought to manage them after taking over. .

Several people were a little moved, especially Jiang Yixin, whose eyes were frighteningly bright.

Qin Yilang looked at Fengling: "Fengling, look...."

"You make up your own mind," Feng Ling said.

This is the meaning of acquiescence. In this case, Qin Yilang and others have nothing to worry about, just plant it! If the purple grape trees that bear fruit once can't survive, it will be too useless.

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