Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 906 Interstellar coins

That night, the various forces in Zizhuxing were a little restless. Today, I saw the benefits of blue and white porcelain spoons again. It is not true that jealousy is fake, but the garrison of Zhihuangxing is deadlocked, and even a small spoon is not for sale. There is nothing they can do about it. .

After much deliberation, the idea came to the Zhou family. Although the small blue and white porcelain spoon refined by Zhou Yang's wife Tang Luer has not been able to activate the array function, it is only a matter of time, and it may be activated someday. It is better to buy more Some proper.

So that night, some well-informed forces took care of Tang Luer's business again. Based on the concept of honesty, Tang Luer did not sit on the ground to raise the price, and still sold the small blue and white porcelain spoon in her hand at the previous price.

Under the night, Zhou Yang stood not far from the restaurant, watching Tang Luer's transactions with others, frowning in silence, Zhou Xue walked behind him: "Brother, we haven't activated the function of the small blue and white porcelain spoon, how much benefit will it have? I don’t know, it’s not wise to sell it so aggressively, go talk to my sister-in-law, don’t sell it now.”

Zhou Yang remained silent, Zhou Xue didn't know what his brother was thinking, glanced dissatisfiedly in the direction of the restaurant, and said: "We are not the only ones who have small blue and white porcelain spoons, there is also the Zhihuangxing Garrison, and they will bite you to death." If we don’t sell it, we sell it without keeping anything behind, this kind of behavior is too stupid.”

Finally, he said: "Go and persuade my sister-in-law, maybe people will think our family is a fool."

Zhou Yang lowered his eyes and sneered: "I persuaded her, but she didn't listen, probably because of her family environment, she felt that she would be at ease only with the interstellar currency."

Tang Luer is a descendant of the Tang family, her father remarried, and there is also a stepbrother Qi Yao in the family. Although Tang Luer awakened her talent and her stepsisters were very close before, they were not good before. It can be said that Qi Yao hates this arrogant stepsister very much. .

Growing up in this kind of family environment, it is understandable that Tang Luer values ​​interstellar coins. It is understandable, but Zhou Xue disagrees: "My sister-in-law is married, and she is now a member of our Zhou family. No matter how much she values ​​interstellar coins currency, the family’s interests must be considered first and foremost.”

Zhou Yang pondered for a moment, and planned to persuade Tang Luer again. At this moment, Tang Luer was surrounded by a group of people. When Zhou Yang spoke, she became impatient: "Okay, stop talking, I'm very busy."

Someone at the side overheard and looked at the two of them with speculative eyes. Zhou Yang's face changed slightly, he hesitated for a moment and stretched out his hand to grab Tang Luer's arm: "Luer..."

"I'll talk about it later." Tang Luer shook off Zhou Yang's hand, turned her head to deal with the customer again with a smile.

Zhou Yang was heartbroken, so he withdrew from the encirclement and left the restaurant. Zhou Xue stepped forward and observed her brother's face: "What's the matter? Sister-in-law doesn't listen to you?"

Zhou Yang remained silent, just now Tang Luer's attitude, let him tell his sister, how can he not say it, it still hurts, since Tang Luer came back from Bai's house, he has changed, the whole person is cold, as if he can't get anything except interstellar coins her eyes.

Zhou Yang was very unfamiliar with Tang Luer like this.

"No, we can't let her go on messing around like this." Zhou Xue only took a look at her brother, and if she didn't understand anything, she flung the hem of her skirt into the dining room.

Zhou Yang didn't stop Zhou Xue, Zhou Xue just squeezed into the crowd: "Sister-in-law, don't sell it, there is news that blue and white porcelain spoons can lure underground ginseng grass carp, we have to use it ourselves, you can't sell it at a low price."

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