Zhou Xue's voice was not low, just enough to be heard by the people around Tang Luer. These people just ignored it, paid the bill very quickly, and left quickly with a small blue and white porcelain spoon. The others were not slow to react, and hurriedly paid the bill, fearing that the Zhou family would intervene to prevent Tang Luer from selling it, and would not take advantage of it.

Tang Luer and Zhou Xue had a good relationship. Hearing this, she handed over a stack of small blue and white porcelain spoons in her hand, and then said, "It's not that you don't know that I can refine it myself. I can refine it after selling it all. You don't have to worry about not enough." use."

"It's not a question of whether it's enough or not." Zhou Xue suddenly felt that Tang Luer was stupid, she didn't listen to persuasion and was self-righteous, no wonder Tang Luer was rumored to be an idiot, but now it seems that she is really not a smart person.

Tang Luer gave Zhou Xue a cold look: "Don't you just want to take advantage of me, I have already promised to supply blue and white porcelain spoons to Zhou's hunting team, what else do you want?"

Zhou Xue fell on her back in anger, she stared at Tang Luer in disbelief, wondering where Tang Luer got her confidence.

For a moment, Zhou Xue laughed, she was just a descendant of the Tang family, and she got a foothold by marrying her elder brother. It took so long to despise the Zhou family, it was extremely ridiculous.

"Taking benefits from you? You really think highly of yourself." Zhou Xue sneered, turned around and left, because she had misjudged that Tang Luer was not good enough for her brother.

That night, Luo Jie and He Yun led a team of people to scrape the land from the north of the Xun River. One of them took a small blue and white porcelain spoon, and when he saw the flat ground, he took the spoon to shoot it. They didn't intend to let it go, and searched in a blanket manner.

There were a few open spaces with lots of rocks, and Roger ordered people to turn on the lights, and then he took a spoon to shoot. There are too many stones and stones of different sizes, and a small blue and white porcelain spoon accidentally hit the stone, and it "clicked" and broke.

"Get rid of the stones on it, and be careful." Roger glanced at it, and ordered someone to remove the stones that were in the way.

In the past, small spoons were the rarest, and only ordinary small spoons were used as tableware, but now it is different. Grandma’s, whether it is an array or ordinary blue and white porcelain spoons, are all treasures. They must be cherished and used with care as much as possible.

There is no need for Roger to ask for this matter. The sergeants all understand that they are all staring at the ground with a small blue and white porcelain spoon by the lighting. When they see small stones, they use the other hand to push them away. Even so, they can still hear a few sounds There is a "click" sound, no need to look, it must have been photographed on a rock.

After tossing around in the middle of the night, a strong wind blew up in the sky, and for a while, big raindrops fell, so that the ginseng grass carp could not be dug. Luo Jie and He Yun led people back to the station on the suspension vehicle.

After working hard for most of the night, they harvested more than 2,000 catties of ginseng grass carp, took out hundreds of catties to stew in the pot, and packed everything else into the spaceship.

Luo Bi didn't know about this, she went to bed early, and had a dream all night, the dream was full of writhing ginseng carp, and finally turned into a snake and flew into the sky, Luo Bi grabbed the tail and dragged it down up.

Robbie's dreaming is different from other people's. She is very powerful. She is omnipotent. It is really a dream. In reality, she does not have this ability.

She had all sorts of strange dreams all night, and Luo Bi woke up at dawn the next day. Feng Ling made her breakfast alone in the bamboo pavilion, rice and two cold dishes, which Luo Bi loved.

Fifty soldiers were waiting outside the bamboo pavilion, Wei Yang asked Luo Bi, "Are you going today?"

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