Feng Ling filled a small bowl of rice and put it in Luo Bi's hands: "Don't go, you didn't sleep well last night."

Luo Bi looked at Feng Ling and smiled: "I want to go."

Feng Ling didn't say anything, she was obviously afraid and still wanted to go, she was nothing more than a money fan, it was her nature that Feng Ling couldn't stop her, besides, as long as Luo Bi wanted to do it, Feng Ling would just watch from the sidelines and would never stop her.

With Feng Ling's acquiescence, Luo Bi ate with a small bowl in one hand and a small spoon in the other. Feng Ling picked up the chopsticks and put the vegetables into Luo Bi's bowl, then got up and said to go fishing by the river.

As soon as Feng Ling left, Luo Bi waved a small spoon to speed up her meal. Chewing slowly was not her style. Worried that Wei Yang would be anxious, she said, "Wait for me, I'll be full soon."

Wei Yang nodded and waited outside the bamboo pavilion. Luo Bi took a look at the melon field outside the bamboo pavilion with a bowl in his hand. The honeydew melon seedlings were growing very vigorously, and the ground was covered with lush greenery. It was full of nutrients at a glance.

After eating the last few bites, Luo Bi walked around the melon field. The honeydew melon seedlings basically had flower buds, and there were a lot of female flower buds. It is estimated that they will bloom tomorrow. If the bees in this area are not strong, they can only choose artificial pollination.

Luo Jie and He Yun took people to the north of the Xun River last night, so today Luo Bi still chose the south of the Xun River, and started to scrape the land from the place they dug yesterday. As long as there is an open space, they will definitely scrape a layer go again.

When it comes to scratching the ground, Robbie and Roger can say no more, no one is the master of the atmosphere, especially Robbie, there are almost no fish that slip through the net where she leads people.

Today, Wei Yang and his group are not the only ones digging ginseng grass carp. Many forces with small blue and white porcelain spoons also sent people to join the digging ranks. You can dig it, but she doesn't care.

The small blue and white porcelain spoons of these people were bought from Tang Luer, Luo Bi went over to have a look curiously, not to mention, someone was able to photograph a ginseng grass carp. Yes, but just one piece was taken after changing several places.

Luo Bi stared at it for a while and walked away. With this efficiency, it was a waste of time. It would be better to go to the bamboo forest to kill strange animals, or go to the river to catch fresh fish.

Time-consuming and labor-intensive, the loss outweighs the gain.

They are also ordinary blue and white porcelain spoons, but the effect is very different. Luo Bi thought about it, and it probably has something to do with the refining materials, mental power and soul power. From this, it can be seen that refining is not necessarily feasible.

After tossing for a long time, those forces probably felt that the harvest was too little, so they handed over the work of digging ginseng and grass carp to the women in the team, and they continued to fish. On this day, many mercenary groups and hunting teams entered Purple Bamboo Star. After Hu Li and Lan Yingying followed, they were taken to the station by Roger.

Lan Yingying stared at the melon field as soon as she arrived, and turned around to ask who planted it. Meng Chi picked the fish and shrimp in the pot without raising his head: "I planted it. There is a lot of grass growing in this area. Look at it. After pulling out the obstructions, I sowed some seeds, but they grew quite well."

Lan Yingying's face was full of disbelief: "Adjutant Meng can really joke, Leiyan Warrior is not suitable for planting at all, this piece of honeydew melon seedlings has covered the ground, it can't be planted by Leiyan Warrior at first glance."

Meng Chi had a half-smile, "It's fine if you don't believe it. We have planted purple grape trees in our base. What is a melon field? You can see it, but don't touch it."

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