Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 916: Chapter Nine Hundred Sixteen

There were five people at a table, and none of them was stupid. When Bai He ate the skewer in his hand, the two sergeants had already held the third skewer in their hands. Bai He moved his mouth: "You have already eaten several skewers."

The subtext is that you have the nerve to eat again? The young sergeant had a hippie smile on his face. He didn't feel any embarrassment, and took a bite out of the grilled skewers: "One person has three skewers and eight abalones. This is the last skewer for me. I didn't eat much."

Bai He's eyes widened, three skewers of eight abalones for one person? She was really willing to eat, she only ate one skewer after she sat down, and there were no more eight abalones on the plate, she looked at Lan Yingying, and asked, "Three skewers per person?"

Lan Yingying gave a "hmm" with a look of embarrassment on her face. She didn't mind choosing some other grilled skewers for Zhou Ya and Bai He. If a team eats, Wei Yang probably doesn't care about the portion of two more people. But eight abalones are too expensive, even if Lan Yingying wants to give it to her lover, she can't save face and choose ingredients for Zhou Ya and Bai He alone.

Thinking of Lan Yingying's dissatisfaction with the two sergeants at the table, why did she eat so quickly, not to mention Zhou Ya and Bai He, she only ate a bunch of eight abalones, and she couldn't count the three skewers agreed upon for one person.

"Looks like it's not enough?" Bai He said in a timely manner.

Lan Yingying struggled for a moment, then stood up: "I'll get it again."

Wei Yang and Luo Bi grimaced, Bai He followed Lan Yingying to choose barbecue ingredients, Zhou Ya didn't go, she came from Emperor Xing Zhou's family, she still had the minimum education, Lan Yingying would eat if she chose, and if she didn't choose It doesn't matter to her either.

Anyway, it was Lan Yingying who asked her to come here, and she was only responsible for eating.

Hu Li breathed a sigh of relief holding the skewers. She still had a bunch of eight abalones on the plate in front of her. If Lan Yingying and Bai He asked for it, she wouldn't even know how to refuse it. This barbecue meal was a bit frustrating. .

Lan Yingying and Bai He were picking and choosing in the barbecue ingredients area, Wei Yang frowned upon seeing this, and Luo Bi also got angry, and said to a table of people, "Eat quickly, we'll leave when we're full."

Whoever eats pays, the bill is settled in advance, and they don't care about the rest, and use the team's fee to treat guests and give away favors. Lan Yingying is getting more and more promising. I didn't see it in the past, but today Lan Yingying really opened Luo Bi's eyes.

After hearing this, Wei Yang understood, yelled, and pointed out: "Eat quickly, we have to make up for the two barrels of ginseng and grass carp that we sold when we go back. This meal is not cheap."

Zhou Ya, who was eating the skewers, froze, and then calmed down. She is also a member of the Zhihuangxing Garrison Base, and a distinguished and talented contract teacher. Even if she is not in Qin Yilang's team, she still has some face to eat a barbecue.

Soldiers Lei Yan always ate quickly, and when Wei Yang urged them, fifty soldiers stuffed food into their stomachs.

These Leiyan fighters are not stupid, they heard a little bit of what Wei Yang said, and they couldn't help but feel dissatisfied with Lan Yingying, as long as they have what they have, it's really okay to treat guests and give favors at the expense of the combat team.

Lan Yingying only took eight abalones in six skewers, Bai He looked at the various barbecue ingredients carefully selected, she took whatever was expensive, anyway, the combat team paid the bill, if she didn't take the opportunity to have a good meal, she would be too sorry for herself.

The two of them handed the selected barbecue ingredients to the barbecue area, and the sergeants on the other side just had enough to eat, and they stood up with a wipe of their mouths. Wei Yang went to pay the bill, and Luo Bi followed. If Wei Yang was stupid, she didn't mind reminding her.

Whoever eats pays, it's a matter of course, it's a fool to pay for others.

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