Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 917 I can't stop the money coming

Under the green bamboo tree, the owner of the barbecue shop invited Wei Yang and Luo Bi to drink tea, and the small optical brain was crackling in his hand to settle the accounts, and quickly reported the amount: "A total of 1.21 million interstellar coins, I wiped out the fraction for you, Just pay 1.2 million."

10,000 interstellar coins are two eight abalones, Luo Bi was surprised, Wei Yang was very satisfied, paid the bill happily, went back and asked Lan Yingying and the women: "I want to take the team out on a mission, should you go or stay? "

"I'll go." Hu Li stood up.

The ingredients Lan Yingying and Bai He chose hadn't been baked yet, Lan Yingying said: "We'll go back later."

Wait a minute! Just wait to checkout yourself! Without further ado, Luo Bi turned and left, followed by a group of people huffing and cheering. The sergeants had a good meal today and chatted enthusiastically while walking.

At the place where the ship was parked, Luo Bi and Hu Li boarded the suspension vehicle driven by Wei Yang. The suspension vehicle left the town and walked straight along the Xun River. When they saw an open space, the suspension vehicle descended to take out the ginseng grass carp.

They said they had to dig two buckets to make up for it, but the taste changed after digging. Wei Yang's eyes lit up. This piece of silt has nourished a lot of ginseng grass carp. He flattened a small piece and dug it up. Good guy, there are more than a dozen ginseng carp. Grass carp are all fat and meaty.

In this way, it is not a question of making up the number. With so many ginseng grass carp waiting for them to dig out, who is willing to leave? Roll up your sleeves and gear up to dig, dig, grandma, you can't stop the money when it comes.

Wei Yang was still thinking about Luo Bi and Hu Li, he was born with supernatural power, found a big rock and moved it back, and swept his eyes to the center, he said to Luo Bi and Hu Li: "You two go to the big rock! This piece of ginseng grass carp There are quite a few, and it will take a while to finish digging."

Robbie jumped up habitually: "Go and get busy!"

The boulder was next to two green bamboos. Wei Yang took a lighting lamp and hung it on the green bamboos, and hurriedly went to dig ginseng grass carp. Hu Li looked at Dashi in surprise, and after going up, she was refreshed, and she couldn't hold back when she saw the bustling scene around her.

One by one the fat ginseng grass carp was thrown into the bucket by the soldiers. Hu Li looked at it hotly, took out the small blue and white porcelain spoon that Luo Bi had given her, jumped off the boulder and joined the excavation team.

Hu Li is not afraid of ginseng grass carp, but Luo Bi is very scary, whoever digs whoever likes to dig, anyway, she doesn't dig when she is out of control.

There are a lot of ginseng grass and fish under the black silt here, Wei Yang, Hu Li and all the soldiers are so excited! Everyone's eyes are bright and scary, and the movements of digging ginseng grass carp are all done by grabbing.

Even though they knew no one would fight them, they couldn't stop their movements, and the atmosphere of the whole excavation was extremely tense.

At this moment, Hu Li was also very strong. She picked up the shovel and dug into the mud. The sweat washed away her makeup, and she wiped a few pieces of black mud with her hands. She didn't know it, and she didn't know it. It's uncomfortable not to dig up good things.

Luo Bi stood alone on the boulder and looked around. These people were crazy. She had the right idea and didn't care if there were too many ginseng grass and carp. Looking up and seeing Hu Li's diligence, and seeing the black mud on the other party's face, he was stunned and laughed.

She is not rare, but others are treasures, and she doesn't know what to say about it.

More than two hours later, this vacant land was finally dug. There was a strong wind in the sky, and a flash of lightning flashed from time to time. Wei Yang didn't have time to make statistics, so he put the buckets of ginseng grass carp into the storage ring, and led the team back to the station land.

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