In the camp, Lan Yingying was picked up by men sent by Meng Chi an hour ago. She had a bad face and was waiting for Wei Yang to come back to settle the score.

No matter what, Lan Yingying never thought that Wei Yang would not pay her the bill, it was too embarrassing, remembering the time when the barbeque shop waiter stopped her and Bai He Zhouya from leaving, Lan Yingying was ashamed and annoyed, feeling ashamed.

Today she lost all her face, it was all Wei Yang's fault, Lan Yingying was aggrieved and ashamed, she couldn't help weeping and sobbing: "How could Wei Yang do this, go out to eat together, why don't you pay me the bill alone, let me Throwing such an adult outside."

Luo Jie glanced at her, sneered, and used the combat team's expenses to treat guests and give away favors, and he was still crying. He was not used to people. Seeing Wei Yang led the team back, he went up to check today's harvest.

Meng Chi was already counting. After Roger and Meng Chi counted, they were immediately excited. Good guy, five thousand catties of ginseng and grass carp is more than enough, almost catching up with two days' harvest.

Luo Jie couldn't hold his breath at the moment, and was impatient to dig ginseng grass carp overnight, but unfortunately the weather was not beautiful, and it was raining heavily in the blink of an eye, so he had to give up.

Lan Yingying approached Weiyang, rushed up and grabbed Weiyang, and refused to let go, crying and saying: "What are you so worried about, why don't you pay me alone when you go out to eat together, and embarrass me in public?"

"Who said I didn't pay you? I paid you." Wei Yang retreated, trying to get rid of Lan Yingying's pull.

"Nonsense, the waiter stopped the three of us and wouldn't let us leave at all. You actually said you have paid the bill, who are you lying to?" Lan Yingying was furious, wiped away her tears, grabbed Wei Yang and yelled.

Roger winks at Hu Li, it is not convenient to deal with the female Thunder Flame Warrior, but Hu Li and Robbie can. Hu Li stepped forward to persuade Lan Yingying, and stretched out her hand to separate Lan Yingying and Wei Yang, but Luo Bi didn't move.

Lan Yingying's hands were stronger than Hu Li's, and she twisted her body to avoid Hu Li: "Don't worry about it, I can't explain it clearly, I'm not finished with him, do you know what those people around me thought of me at that time? I haven't been so lost since I was a child Extraordinary."

Luo Bi didn't hold back, she could still move her mouth, and after hearing Lan Yingying's words, she said: "There's something unclear about this, Wei Yang paid the bill, and I was right there at the time, it's just that I didn't pay the bills of Bai He and Zhou Ya .”

After finishing speaking, Luo Bi added lightly: "Bai He and Zhou Ya are not in our team for the time being, you don't want Wei Yang to pay their bills together, do you?"

In the three major galaxies in the future, there will be strict regulations for the military to go out on missions. Part of the materials obtained from missions will be handed over in proportion, and the rest will be distributed internally. Zhou Ya and Bai He are not in the team led by Qin Yilang and Luo Jie. Whether it is food, lodging or material consumption, it is their own business. No one is obliged to pay for people outside the team. Everyone knows this truth, Lan Yingying I know it too, but she doesn't think that a meal needs to be haggled over.

Lan Yingying had done this before, it's not like no one said it.

Luo Bi pointed it out in public, and Lan Yingying suddenly felt ashamed: "What's wrong with not being in the same team? Zhou Ya and Bai He are also members of the Zhihuang Star Garrison, so they can't pay for a meal together?"

Hearing these words in everyone's ears, it was a bit nonsense, Luo Bi smiled, looked down on Lan Yingying, she was shameless, and thought others were shameless, what the hell. That is to say, Wei Yang was concerned about Lan Yingying's status as a gifted contract teacher and did not make a move, and she was the one who threw Lan Yingying away a long time ago.

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