Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 919 Spoiled

Luo Jie didn't understand pity, so he pulled Lan Yingying's hand away from Wei Yang's clothes: "Okay, there must be a limit to making noise, it's not a team, Wei Yang doesn't have to pay for Zhou Ya and Bai He, you didn't handle it yourself Well, no wonder anyone else."

Meng Chi also said at this time: "Lan Yingying, this time you are ignorant, so don't make an example."

Lan Yingying was full of momentum, but when she saw that the two superiors were not on her side, she burst into tears of grievance, covered her mouth and ran back to the tent, ignoring the rain on her body. Hu Li followed at last: "I'll go and have a look."

Meng Chi didn't bother to talk about it, so he ordered people to pack the ginseng grass carp into a box, put it on the transport spaceship, and send it back to Zhihuangxing together with other supplies. Feng Ling came back from the river, carried Luo Bi back to the tent to wash and sleep, usually Luo Bi should go to bed at this time.

Luo Bi climbed onto the bed and pulled the quilt over her body. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that Lan Yingying was shameless, and Zhou Ya and Bai He, who knew that the Weiyang team paid for the meal, were invited to join them. can not tell.

Talented pact masters have a noble status, and Thunder Flame warriors spoiled these people because of their scruples about accommodating them everywhere. Luo Bi couldn't get used to it, and lay on the bed angrily. Seeing this, Feng Ling stuffed her with a cup of hot milk, washed up, put the quilt on the bed and slept with her.

"Okay, don't be angry, go to bed quickly." The man hugged the man in his arms, pulled the quilt over the two of them, and the temperature was low at night outside the safe zone.

Robbie moved her body, found a comfortable position and closed her eyes. After he fell asleep, Feng Ling stared at it for a while, then tucked him out of bed and went to fight by the river. The fighting power of the aquatic tribe doubled at night, so it was not appropriate for him to leave for a long time.

The reputation of the blue and white porcelain spoon spread, and there were many people who were unwilling to give up. After hitting a wall a few times, there were fewer people who came to the door to make ideas, but more people who made connections. Wu Shao and Lin Yu, the young master of the Lin family, came to the garrison of the Zhihuangxing garrison early in the morning. Lin Yu didn't speak, but Wu Shao went straight to the point and explained his purpose.

These two families have friendship with Luo Bi, Luo Jie couldn't refuse straight away, turned around to discuss with Feng Ling, Feng Ling thought for a while and said: "Give them a few arrays and ordinary small spoons each, and you can see if you can open it. "

"Don't worry, there is no such thing as a free lunch." Luo Jie turned to negotiate with Wu Shao and Lin Yu.

The negotiations among the three parties were not as fierce as before. Wu Shao and Lin Yu kept their attitudes low. It was inconvenient for Roger to kill them all after asking for some benefits. The family gave five small spoons and five ordinary small spoons. Double the healing elixir.

For the time being, Luo Jie is not a rare elixir of appeasement, and ginseng grass carp is enough for small troubles.

When Luo Bi got up, Wu Shao had already left a box of melons and fruits to leave. Lin Yu didn't know what to give, so he gave a box of nutritional seasonings.

One of these two belonged to the family of classmate Wu Cheng, and the other belonged to the family of the bishop Lin Yanchong.

Luo Bi has been reluctant to go to the restaurant to eat because of the ginseng grass carp. Feng Ling made a nutritious breakfast with meat and vegetables in the bamboo pavilion, made with energy wood, and went to the riverside after finishing. Eating melons leisurely is very comfortable.

"Are you still going today?" Wei Yang asked.

Robbie nodded: "Go."

Wei Yang was going to wait outside the bamboo pavilion, and Luo Bi gave him two small spoon arrays and an ordinary blue and white porcelain spoon: "Do me a favor, send it to my battle team, do you know where they are stationed? "

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