Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 922 Who is used to this temper

The other party pretended not to understand, and smiled: "I'll just use it for a while."

You see, that's the only way to deal with it. She smiled and pretended to be confused. No matter how bad-tempered Luo Bi was, she would never lose her temper. Could it be possible to run up and grab the blue and white porcelain spoon? How could it be possible? Robbie doesn't fight people.

A gentleman uses his mouth but doesn't move his hands, even if he uses dirty tricks behind his back, he can't tear his face face to face.

Aunt Luo's voice was not low, everyone around heard it, and looked over, but no one spoke, except for the so-called aunt and Luo Yan, no one knew Luo Bi, but they borrowed a small blue and white porcelain spoon. I feel that Luo Pi is making a fuss out of a molehill, disregarding the friendship of relatives.

Robbie looked angry, and blurted out: "I don't know you."

In one sentence, the relationship was completely wiped out, and it could be said that she didn't save any face for the other party. The aunt of the Luo family was tongue-tied and couldn't get along with her. sensible.

Luo Bi's name is not unfamiliar among the relatives of the Luo family. I don't know which relative in the family gave it to her. Luo Bi's reputation of being willful and ignorant has long been known to everyone, and this aunt of the Luo family also knows it.

The young Thunder Flame Warrior and another woman were relatively close to Luo Bi. Hearing that the young Thunder Flame Warrior said, "They are all relatives, yet they said they didn't know each other."

There was dissatisfaction in his tone, and Luo Bi's heart sank. These people are obviously not of good character. What you borrowed from someone is a favor, and you have to return it later. I'm so used to this temper.

Luo Bi turned around and left, wandering around, Wu Cheng didn't continue fishing work, stood outside the camp and looked in this direction, only thirty or forty meters away, he could hear a word, not far away.

Xue Zhijiao and Wu Cheng were not happy when they were far away, they had no choice but to borrow the small blue and white porcelain spoon, for Luo Bi's sake, they knew its value best, but they were worried about putting it in someone else's hands. Wearing is a must.

"You didn't want to come back?" Wu Cheng asked.

Luo Bi waved his hand: "You keep an eye on it, don't let anyone touch you."

Wu Cheng's heart trembled, and he became vigilant. Luo Bi told him to go to the kitchen area after taking the clothes.

I poured a glass of water, didn't drink it, just looked at it, and after a while I got up and washed a bamboo pear, fiddled with the tableware, found a small spoon and put it away, ate the bamboo pear and left the camp.

It was raining heavily, and Luo Bi threw a small chair beside Wu Cheng, sat down and ate bamboo pears alone, and refused to give Wu Cheng to eat, he was so stupid that he couldn't keep it if he gave him a good thing, eat it Wasted.

By the river, Xue Zhijiao and Pei Yang control the small spoon array to scoop fresh fish from the river, Huang Chao, Huang Yu and Bai Kai cast the net, Bai Juan, Bai Zhi and Huang Xinling are responsible for the logistics picking work, few people have no chance to be lazy, the two girls The hair is loose.

With the smell of fish in one hand, Bai Yu and Huang Xinling didn't dare to lift their hair, letting strands of long hair fall down, and a gust of wind blew through, making the hair even more messy, like two little lunatics.

Luo Bi gnawed bamboo pears, Wu Cheng wandered back and forth, looking up at the stone pile from time to time, the more he looked at the other side, his mood became worse, and he was very annoyed. If he had known that the other party was a side relative of the Luo family, he would not say anything to the captain. Lend out the small blue and white porcelain spoon.

Luo Bi kept silent, making Wu Cheng anxious, and he would lose his memory if he didn't have enough foresight.

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