Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 923 Look at you like this

When Luo Bi gnawed almost all the bamboo pears in his hand, the rain in the sky gradually became heavier, and the ground became wet. The aunt of the Luo family couldn't continue digging ginseng grass carp on the ground, and sent back the small blue and white porcelain spoon.

The middle-aged woman had a high-pitched voice, yelling from a distance: "Luo Bi, I don't need the little spoon, look, it hasn't been worn out for you!"

This aunt of the Luo family did it on purpose, because she was related to each other, she just borrowed a small spoon to use it, you see, she still insisted on chasing her to embarrass her elder. Now that she has run out, she no longer has any scruples and naturally wants to get back the place, so she scratches a few words to have a good time.

Sure enough, some people around looked in this direction, they were busy packing their things with the Luo family aunt, they turned a deaf ear to it, Luo Yan watched the fun from a distance, old women are not easy to mess with.

Wu Cheng frowned, and looked down at Luo Bi, who continued to eat the bamboo pear, and finished it in a few mouthfuls.

Aunt Luo thought that Luo Bi didn't hear it, so she repeated what she said just now, she said with a smile, her voice was still high: "I don't need the little spoon, look, it hasn't been worn out for you!"

Keep emphasizing the question of whether it is useful or not, implying that Luo Bi is stingy, Luo Bi took away the bamboo pear core and raised her head: "Look at you, you look really ugly."

Luo Bi scolded mercilessly, and the next words of the other party stuck in her throat, and she almost choked. The younger generation of relatives, if they don't turn their backs, very few people will scold the elders face to face, which is bad for their reputation, but obviously Luo Bi doesn't care about this.

Aunt Luo's aunt would be stupefied when she met such a master, she forced a smile on her face, returned the small blue and white porcelain spoon to Wu Cheng, and continued to make love, as if what happened just now hadn't happened.

Luo Bi got up, put away the small chair, asked for the small blue and white porcelain spoon in Wu Cheng's hand, checked it repeatedly and handed it to Wu Cheng: "It doesn't look right, you can try it somewhere else."

Wu Cheng was startled, and the aunt of the Luo family came up after hearing this: "What's wrong, I just took pictures on the ground, and it didn't hurt you."

No one paid attention to her. The rain had just started to fall at this time, and the terrain of the station was on the high side. Wu Cheng found a place nearby, squatted down on the wet ground and patted the ground evenly. A little muddy water was splashed.

When the ground was flattened and dug up, there was not a single ginseng grass carp under the silt, Wu Cheng panicked, Xue Zhijiao, Pei Yang and others ran over when they heard the sound, and asked about the situation, their faces changed suddenly.

Originally, the small blue and white porcelain spoon was forcibly borrowed by Aunt Luo, and the worry was just in case, but now, luckily, the other party returned and lost its guiding function. Don't ask, it must have been dropped by someone else.

"It's impossible. It was fine when I used it just now." Aunt Luo yelled at the top of her voice. She was in a hurry, so she understood the reason for repaying it. The one who returned it was a bad one, even if it was for relatives. It's not easy to explain.

Wu Cheng tried two more places, but digging the ground still found nothing, and everyone's face became more and more ugly. Aunt Luo was still defending herself, emphasizing that she didn't use the blue and white porcelain spoon for anything else, but to shoot The ground has been fine.

The meaning was obvious, even if the small blue and white porcelain spoon broke suddenly, it was none of her business.

Wu Cheng carefully identified the small blue-and-white porcelain spoon in his hand, stood up, and handed it to the other party: "This is not the small blue-and-white porcelain spoon we lent you. Although it looks quite similar, this one is not."

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