The people around have noticed the movement here, and they are not in a hurry to leave now, the rain is not too heavy to be unbearable, some stop to watch, some come together, some watch the excitement, There are also those who have ulterior motives.

"I don't see it, it's different." The eyes of the opening mouth are not good, the blue and white porcelain spoon has flowers or not, and as for the glaze color, he looks the same, blue and white on a white background, and the tableware is fashionable and retro now.

The other person came forward to gather together again, and said after seeing it clearly: "There are many such spoons on the market, and they should be ordinary small spoons with retro patterns."

After hearing the words of these two people, they whispered to each other, their voices were neither high nor low, anyone could hear them, and they looked at Aunt Luo's grandmother with contempt and sarcasm, borrowing something and returning it, really How stupid.

However, the small blue and white porcelain spoon is a good thing that cannot be bought, and it is a good strategy to take the opportunity to change the bag, but it will not end well.

"It's different, it's the original one." Aunt Luo hopped her feet, sweating on her brow in a hurry, wiped it, it was rainwater: "It's been used by me all the time, no one else touched it, so how could it be replaced. "

"Who are you asking? Only you know whether to change or not." Luo Bi said coldly.

Huang Xinling also jumped forward, fixed her eyes on the small blue and white porcelain spoon Wu Cheng was holding, and immediately quit, yelling at the Luo family aunt: "You old man, widen your dog eyes to see clearly, this is not the original one, Hurry up and return our little blue and white porcelain spoon."

Luo Bi gave Huang Xinling a big thumbs up, stepped aside and let Huang Xinling bite people, wicked people have their own way, sometimes like Huang Xinling, one is worth two.

Huang Xinling is used to being domineering, and she usually finds fault if others don't provoke her, but now that her team has suffered, Huang Xinling stretched out her arm to scratch Luo's aunt's face, but she didn't care about anyone's face when she got angry.

Aunt Luo's aunt was full of grievances and unwillingness, and avoided Huang Xinling's excuse: "How can you wrong someone? Whoever changed it, obviously didn't change it."

"Bah, shameless." Huang Xinling fought quickly, throwing herself forward and scratching.

Aunt Luo was not happy anymore, how could she be so tall and strong that a little girl would be hurt, she couldn't avoid being caught with Huang Xinling, the people around were startled, and quickly pulled the two of them away.

Huang Xinling was persistent, and Luo's aunt felt guilty and timid. She couldn't help wondering if the blue and white porcelain spoon had really been replaced. Then she thought it was wrong! The little spoon was always in her hand, and no one else had a chance to do anything.

After thinking and thinking, her eyes stared straight, Aunt Luo remembered that someone had touched it. If the small blue and white porcelain spoon was really changed, it should have been changed at that time.

Even with this conjecture, Aunt Luo still didn't believe that her own people could do this, but she insisted that the small blue and white porcelain spoon had been replaced.

If I knew this earlier, it would be better if I didn't borrow it in the first place. Grandma Luo's family regretted it too late.

The people around looked at Aunt Luo's expression and decided that she had a guilty conscience. Qi Qi turned to the fighting team, accusing Aunt Luo of bullying children, not counting Luo Bi, the others are all underage, aren't they just children? !

At this time, several men and women squeezed in, among them was the young Lei Yan warrior who was with the Luo family aunt. He squeezed in and said in a bad tone: "What is this for? If you have something to say, isn't it just a small spoon? I'm not interested in changing it, so I get out of the way."

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