Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 934: Bewitched

There are many people and few pigs, and a team divided into a circle only has more than 20 catties of meat. Even so, everyone is very happy, formulate a new battle plan, and continue to look for the imperial concubine pig to start.

After all, anyone with a brain knows that sporadic annihilation is easier than a whole group of concubine pigs. Before a large-scale beast attack comes, it is better to take the opportunity to make a fortune.

Leng Lie also rushed over from Emperor Star with the guards of Leng's family, with a very clear purpose, aiming at the imperial concubine. Leng Lie came prepared, with a lot of top-level equipment in his hands, and joined forces with the Xue family and the Feng family to hunt the imperial concubine pig.

Leng Lie, Xue Changjuan, and Feng Zijie led three teams to stare at the imperial concubine pig and not let go. They chased from the east to the west of Zizhuxing, and then circled from the south to the north. No loss counted.

However, no matter how crazy the innate Thunder Flame fighters were, their combat power was no match for the imperial concubine pigs. In just one day, while the three teams harvested three imperial concubine pigs, they lost one-third of their combat power.

The other teams watched with cold eyes and saw something was wrong. After receiving the exact news, they all became restless.

When Luo Bi heard about the crazy actions of those three families, she was puzzled, and asked Feng Ling during dinner: "The Leng Lie is working in the Emperor Star, but he is attached to the Zhihuang Star Garrison, what does it mean that he takes the Leng Family's guards to act alone? "

The strength of the three crazy families should not be underestimated. Luo Bi didn't comment on the Leng, Xue, and Feng families. After thinking about it, she said: "The Feng family and the Xue family are not good. Work together, it's not right!"

It is impossible to be really crazy, and only one family can be crazy. It is unlikely that all three families are crazy. Luo Bi sorted out her thoughts for a moment, and she thought of Bai Xian. The abnormality of the three families is very likely to be related to this woman .

Feng Ling picked a clean fishbone, fed it into Luo Bi's mouth, and sneered: "Naturally, we have common interests and want more, but one family can't keep it, we must join hands. will be calm."

Not only the major families, but all Thunder Flame warriors with strong genes who have received news will not be willing to lag behind. After all, it is about offspring, and the obsession in their bones is too deep.

Among other things, only Luo Jie and Qin Yilang were ready to move after getting the news, not to mention the other powerful Thunder Flame Warriors. Regardless of whether they have friendship with the Leng family, Xue family, or Feng family, or not, no one will be polite when facing the issue of heirs, and no one will back down if they can intervene, and brothers may also stand aside.

In this regard, Feng Ling is not interested, no child means no child, it is really meaningless to deceive oneself and others.

Luo Bi didn't delay talking while eating, and said with a smile: "It's good to fight!"

Feng Ling has nothing to do with her: "Eat."

In the evening, Luo Jie and Qin Yilang took turns to go out, acting so abnormally, Luo Bi wouldn't believe it if nothing major happened, she didn't ask nonsense, and asked Jiang Yixin to go shopping in the town during the day, and bought a bunch of delicious food .

It's none of her business that other people's houses are falling. Taking advantage of the chaos in Zizhuxing, she will eat first before talking about it. There is nothing better than watching the action while eating.

At this time, not only the Leng family, Xue family, Feng family and the imperial concubine were on the fence, but several other big forces were also staring at the imperial concubine with red eyes, and they were dying. They desperately searched for the imperial concubine to kill them. Thunder Flame Warrior suffered heavy casualties.

As a result, the price of elixir has skyrocketed, and the supply is simply in short supply.

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