Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 935 Three Great Families

When Zizhuxing was kicking off the battle for the noble concubine pig, a shocking news broke out from the Fengyao Empire the next day. Bai Xian possessed a rare ancient earth gene, and was found to be pregnant ten days ago when he was on a mission at Qingyaoxing. He was quietly sent back to Emperor Star to raise a baby.

The news did not come from Emperor Star, nor did it come from the Leng family, the Xue family, or the Feng family. The three aristocratic families can't cover it up now. How could it be possible to leak the news that Bai Xian is pregnant with the son of a powerful Thunder Flame warrior?

These three Patriarchs are all important figures in Emperor Star, and they acted swiftly and resolutely. Their ability to suppress this shocking news for such a long time is a testament to their ability. The three families are not easy to mess with. For the sake of the heirs, whoever will destroy the other.

The news came from the team of Qingyao star who went out on missions. Bai Xian, as a newly enrolled talented student, must accompany the team to go on missions. in case.

In the end, Bai Xian fainted suddenly ten days ago, Xue Changjuan didn't care at the time, this woman was ill every day, stumbling around from time to time, she fainted when she fainted!

Although Xue's family is looking forward to a child, Bai Xian's ancient earth genes are not high, and it's hard to say when she can get pregnant, so Xue Changjuan doesn't care about Bai Xian, as long as people don't take risks, Xue Changjuan doesn't care about others.

Xue Changjuan's carelessness caused something to happen. After Bai Xian woke up from a coma, he ate and vomited. Xue Changjuan didn't think much about it at the time, there were quite a few people present, at least a small group of Bai Xian's classmates.

The doctor caught Bai Xian's pulse and was calm at first, but after ten seconds the doctor was dumbfounded. He thought he had made a wrong diagnosis, so he used Chinese medicine techniques to diagnose the pulse carefully. After the confirmation, the doctor couldn't maintain his composure anymore, his hands and feet trembled, his lips trembled and he couldn't speak.

Seeing the doctor's expression, Bai Xian was startled, and with a sway of her body, she was about to faint. But before Bai Xian fainted, the doctor couldn't bear the stimulation and passed out first. Xue Changjuan was waiting for the result, but the doctor trembled for a long time and passed out.

Xue Changjuan is so angry! Why, just Bai Xian fainting all day is enough to annoy him, and the doctor he invited actually did the same thing with him, Xue Changjuan raised his foot, wishing he could kick the doctor.

In the end, Xue Changjuan didn't put his raised foot down, and slowly waited for the doctor to wake up with a teacup. When the doctor woke up, he stuttered and uttered a few words: "She, pregnant."

Now Xue Changjuan couldn't stand anymore, Tall's body swayed a few times, he was so excited that he couldn't speak for a long time, the others were also struck by lightning, Bai Xian closed his eyes at the right time, tilted his body, and passed out.

Xue Changjuan recovered from the shock, quickly shut his mouth, and immediately carried Bai Xian onto the spaceship and sent him back to Emperor Star. The Leng family, the Xue family, and the Feng family received the news and used all their active forces to arrange Bai Xian to Zhan Yi's Shuiyue Bamboo Garden.

Bai Xian's pregnancy really caught the three great families by surprise. It is said that the Thunder Flame Warrior with a high gene level in women's pregnancy will be able to sense it, but everything is just a coincidence. It was careless.

There were quite a few people present at the time, and they were able to keep their mouths shut for a short period of time. After ten days, someone finally revealed that Bai Xian was pregnant. As soon as this news came out, the three major galaxies were shocked, and the news that Bai Xian possessed the ancient earth gene was also dug out, and the major forces were ready to move.

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