Feng Ling turned around to pack her belongings. There were a lot of Luo Bi's things in the bamboo pavilion, and they could be stored directly in the storage ring. There were also beds, tables and chairs in the tent. These were all easy to say, except for the eight planting stoves. Feel free to put it away and take it away.

Fortunately, Feng Ling was well prepared, and applied for a small spaceship from Admiral Qi Lan in advance, and Admiral Qi Lan transferred a luxurious one to him in a very grand manner. It is inconvenient for Feng Ling to carry Luo Bi to move the planting furnace, so Wen Xiao and Jiang Yixin come to help.

The jade bamboo is well maintained, each plant has luxuriant branches and leaves, because there are not many bamboo joints, the new shoots are dense, and when they grow so dense, only the leaves can be seen, and the bamboo joints cannot be seen.

It is very pleasing to see the eight emerald bamboos, but it is not easy to carry them. Wen Xiao and Jiang Yixin had to plant them one by one, leaning slightly to carry them onto the spaceship.

Luo Jie and Qin Yilang walked over together, he couldn't see that Feng Ling was spoiling Luo Bi, he glanced at her and said, "She's not a child, why do you keep holding her? It's really troublesome to be sick."

Feng Ling ignored him and didn't explain much, just holding Luo Bi firmly and watching Wen Xiao and Jiang Yixin move the planting stove. Luo Bi made a sarcasm smile when she heard this, Bai Xian was also sick, and Roger did not dislike her, it was so obvious that people could not be compared with each other.

Roger said he was disgusted, but he didn't stand still, and reached out to move a planting stove and sent it to the small luxury spaceship. Wen Xiao moved the planting stove behind to follow, and smiled inexplicably, Luo Jie is just a bitch.

"How is your health?" Qin Yilang asked Luo Bi.

Luo Bi leaned against Feng Ling's chest, and replied, "It's pretty good."

If Qin Yilang believed this, it would be a ghost. Luo Bi was obviously perfunctory. He smiled and changed the subject: "What about your melon seedlings? Do you need to transplant them into planting pots and take them away together? You want to transplant them, I Send you some people."

Luo Bi didn't have the heart to take care of the melon seedlings now, he hadn't figured out what to do, so he said, "No more."

Qin Yilang raised his eyebrows: "I really don't want it."

Luo Bi was too lazy to say it a second time, and turned her head against Feng Ling's chest without speaking. Feng Ling lowered her head, her eyes were deep, her arms were properly tightened, and she held her tightly in her arms. Qin Yilang understood what it meant, this is really unnecessary, since Feng Ling acquiesced to him, he will not be polite, and ordered someone to transplant the honeydew melon seedlings in the three-fen field when he turned around.

When Hu Li and Lan Yingying heard that Luo Bi was leaving, they temporarily put down refining and came out of their tents. What Lan Yingying was thinking about was honeydew melon seedlings. The planting field she cultivated had been idle for a long time without planting any crops. Luo Bi The honeydew melon seedlings were growing vigorously, and she couldn't help thinking about it.

In the end, it was Luo Bi who didn't want it, and what was picked up for nothing, don't want it for nothing.

Qin Yilang had already assigned that piece of honeydew melon to the Sun Emperor Star's First Legion, Ren Lan Yingying's lips were worn out, and she didn't give it a single one. Don't think that Qin Yilang is busy collecting materials all day long and doesn't care about other things. Occasionally, he will take time to walk around the melon field to observe the changes in the size of the honeydew melon, so that he can see the fruit trees growing.

Those are all middle-grade fruit trees, and the soil is also mixed with medicinal dregs ash. How could Qin Yilang allow Lan Yingying to make up her mind that he would transplant the melon seedlings and shovel a layer of soil, so Lan Yingying should stay where she is cool.

Will Lan Yingying be so obedient? No way, she pouted, turned around and took the shovel and soil box to dig the melon field. If the honeydew melon seedlings are not given to her, she should be able to dig some soil and plant them herself!

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